Joan Baez - Do I just not get it?


I'm a relatively young music/audio guy (24). I recently bought a remaster LP of Joan Baez "In Concert" which I've heard is a great album, both musically and soundwise.

This is my first exposure to Joan Baez - and not meant to offend fans... But I could not make it past song two. Now I love singer/songwriter music, and certainly enjoy female vocals and acoustic guitar... but her voice! It is unlistenable! She uses so much vibrato and sounds like a sheep... baaaaaaa... Stevie nicks can at least get away with being a sheep because she has the rock music to keep the attention away... but joan Baez - How do you guys enjoy listening to this stuff? The vibrato is terrible!

Showing 4 responses by fishboat

If you remember the 60's-70's then you weren't there...

Baez's 'sound' is the sound of those times that became her style...or is it the other way around?

I saw her on the recent Bob Dylan PBS special..she's aged well.

It took real talent to be a star back opposed to today where 'talent' is defined how much hype you can muster. Oil won't run out in your lifetime, but the price it'll sell for will bring out the best in people..which will be a show in itself.


I might suggest less coffee & maybe cut your red meat intake in half.
While one would hope the alternative energy sources would be popping up I'll have to admit "the best in people" comment was more tongue in cheek(i.e. realistic). We'll see alternative energy applications on the expensive fringes until the oil-cow has been milked for all it's worth & only then will we magically see alternative energies coming out of the woodwork....and guess who will be selling them to you? (hint..where does energy come from today?)

All that being said..I still think John Baez has aged very well. :-)

I believe you're right on the Baez - Dylan thing. Joan discussed it briefly in the PBS special on Dylan. Sounds like she's still scratching her head wondering what happened.

Goat...some folks like rap & electro-synthpop hiptronica & I can't for the life of me imagine each their own.