Integrated for Harbeth Small Room System

I am the new owner of Harbeth P3esr's. My room is 11x12 so picked these speakers because sealed cabinet and they fit and sound great in a small room. My source is computer through Cambridge Audio Dac Magic (for now). Looking for a solid state integrated amp that will pair well with the small but talented Harbeths. Keys great low level listening, take advantage of the harbeth mids, and these little speakers do great 5 inch woofer bass so want to make sure the low end is there.

My budget is $5,000 tops - less would be real good. A variety of music - should sound equally great with Sonny Rollins as it would with Jack White. Some of the contenders I have been thinking about are Luxman integrated, the Sugden 21se, and Ayre AX-7.
My search for the best value in an integrated amp is over.
5i/Harbeth P3ESR SE. Wow!
I'm a Harbeth dealer. In addition to LFD and them both. I'd have to throw in Rogue Tempest 3 Magnum version and the less expensive Cronus Magnum. Pitifully over looked product and company. This American made stuff is stellar and forgotten about by many audiophile.
Hi ive been listening to Harbeth's p3esr with lavardin is for over year right now. Ive tried many amps including: NAIT XS, Destiny, primare i30 (v.1), used jadis ds200, manley labs stingray 2 and lavardin. (my cd is creek evolution since ive been using it with paired amp previously). Here are my thoughts:
NAIT XS - overhyped, i dont like this type of sound, too much bass in my small room.
DESTINY - too polite, improvement over evo but wanted something better.
Primare i30 - had the best drive of them all, but the sound was too clinical in some types of music (like jazz) but for rock/pop a winner.
Jadis ds200 - my friend had been using it with Avalon speakers, but paired with harbeth it was not a good combo, You could barely hear the distant planes, the first plane was too big.
MANLEY LABS STINGRAY2 - ahhh, the best midrange, the sound of every jazz and instrumental music ive heard was magical in triode mode, however it lacked the drive of primare i30 in rock music.

Lavardin is - midrange not as magical as stingray but pretty close, drive, pace - much better. Half the price of manley. oh, ive been testing it A to B with is reference - for me not much of a difference in this setup.

Now im looking for a cd to replace my creek evolution. Ive been trying Nait XS but didnt like it, i need something that would open the sound and expands the stage.
Hey thanks for those comparisons. I switched from a Cyrus 8vs2 to a SimAudio i-3 and saw a big difference in speed, bass and refinement with the Sim - no contest between those two...
I opted for LFD 'cos I don't like to be treated as a 'walking wallet' re the never-ending upgrades. With the LFD Zero 3 and the 4, and all their stuff I guess, they built it right - first time!