Innersound Speakers

Anyone heard how these sound off axis. I know that they loose something, but so does every speaker.


Showing 2 responses by travis

I've owned EROS MKIIIs for about 3-4 years. I don't mind the small sweet spot, most speakers have one and I don't find off axis that bad. I listen to music by myself 95%+ of the time so it's not really an issue.

I'm lucky, I don't hear a discontinuity between the woofer and the panel. I would be surprised if Roger could build a speaker twice as wide and tall with DSP for 10K. But, you probably still wouldn't have any deep bass, IMHO.

You're going to have to go the SoundLab route and it WILL cost you in excees of 10K not counting the amplification, maybe even used. For your acuity, you have narrowed it down to one brand and a lot of money. FWIW, I've heard most of the hybrid designs over the last 40 years.

I think this forum is very lucky to have two people experience the Sanders speakers and post differing opinions about the same event. Wish I could have been there.
"ijust find listening to cones and panels a problem."

Then, stop listening to them.

BTW, IME, stacked Quads will not do 35hz @ 85db. Maybe down about 10 to 20db

Thought you'd want to know.