Impact of recording/mastering studio?

Why is it that the recording quality varies so much?

Some are so consistently well engineered...Eagles, Joe Walsh, Pink Floyd, Allan Parsons, Tom Petty, Telarc, Robin Miles... but many are a crap shoot...sometimes good and sometimes poor.

Is it that some artists take a rigorous control of the sound of the final product while others allow each sound engineer/studio too much freedom? Or is time and budget pressures to get the recording out?
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Showing 1 response by karl_desch

This may have been covered elsewhere, but what drives me crazy is the recent trend of unbelievably "Hot" mastering. Driving up the levels so much that their is little room for musical dynamics. But I guess it sounds better on the radio. I now that a lot of artists are asking for it to. "Why doesn't my CD sound as loud as the Futureheads?"

It may be hard for a mastering house to resist the temptation and it takes a savy artist to know that the end product will be better if its less hot.
