I learned the hard way

I thought, (secretly hoped) some of you have had some hard luck stories to tell from your audio adventures that may have provided some benefit from sharing here so others may benefit..

I waited years until recently to try some Lyra SPT stylus treatment. The other weekend I opened the little top on the little bottle and turned it to an angle for application to it's little brush. The bottles' contents began spilling on my countertop. WTF! I then noticed/realized that there are two tops. The lower top came off when I unscrewed the smaller upper top. I just watched as $30 drained on to my countertop. I then made sure the lower top was extremely tight going forward. 

The good thing is, half a bottle will still last years.


Showing 2 responses by mikexxyz

@williewonka - This amplifier/ high capacitance speaker cable issue is discussed by Roger Russell (former Macintosh designer) in the attached URL below.  Scroll down to the "Amplifier Stability and Amplifier Performance" section.

@williewonka - I totally agree with you that NAIM, Ayre, and Gryphon are not borderline designs.