I have seen some Interesting comments about Mcintosh lately

These comments come from here and a couple of other sites.

1.The only people that buy Mcintosh gear are one's that just don't listen.
2. Mcintosh is what rich people buy just like Mercedes Benz.
3. Mcintosh relies on generational buyers as a business plan.
4. Mcintosh is known for rebranding products and putting there name on it.
5. Mcintosh has great looks but uses cheap off the bin parts.

I can't think of another high-end company that have so many stereotypes about the brand. On the other hand I can't think of another audio company that has been in business as long.


Showing 8 responses by taters


The funny thing is people that own Mcintosh or Rolex think they own the best and are not shy to tell you so.

I find that so Interesting that you said Mcintosh has the worst customer service. I thought they pride themselves with great customer service. I am really shocked!

There is an audio website that praises Mcintosh 24/7 and it can do no wrong. I would rather hear a difference of opinion even though I don't always agree with the posters. The whole Fan boy thing whether it's Mcintosh, Rolex or Ferrari gets old really fast.

Wow, that is really bad. And to think that Mcintosh gear holds such great resale value. It really doesn't make any sense.

I know the Mcintosh people hate to hear it but I think bdp24 really nailed it.

I have a mint MR-78 that I would love to sell because I never use it. Believe it or not my wife loves the piece and doesn't want me to sell it. She says it looks pretty. Go figure.