I damanged my Shelter cartridge, next steps?....

Hi Folks:
Well, I managed to damage my Shelter 501 mkII by, well, bumping into it. So, to cut a long story short, the stylus is leaning to one side horizontally, and is pointing more steeply vertically (wider angle between end of stylus and body of cartridge). Finally, the stylus appeas to be more 'springy' and is not as rigid.

So, question is, can I salvage it? Should I try to orient it correctly, or can it be 'reseated'. The stylus does not appear to be bent or broken - just out of correct orientation, and a little loose. Anyway, I'd value advice on whether this can be fixed, and who I might bring it to for such a fix. The cartridge is about 2.2 years old and has about 250 hours on it.

Looking forward to hearing any recommendations on next steps. IF I have to replace the cartridge, I'd also welcome input on replacements. I've a teres 255 with OL Silver Arm. Preamp is Supratek Syrah.


Showing 1 response by nrchy

Before doing anything else you need to find someone on which you can lay the blame for this misdeed. Any other step taken will be out of order. Somebody else has got to be responsible for this!!!

Personally I tend to blame Carl!