How to get the impact of a live concert?

Yes, I know, big speakers, lots of power. : ) But I really am looking to "feel" the dynamics of the music, like you would at a concert. I'm not only talking about bass, although that is certainly a part of it. My wife and I were at Dave Matthews Band concert last night and it always amazes me, how impactful music is when it's live. Obviously, I understand they have a LOT of power driving a LOT of speakers, but they were filling the whole outdoors (outside venue). I'm only trying to fill my listening room. Would a good sub help? Different speakers?

I currently have Gallo Reference 3.1's and Klipchs Forte II's (Crites mods) driven by a Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista M3.

Showing 2 responses by tmsorosk

I don't think there is any way to acheive live music dynamics in a home environment. As you said large speakers and big power will likely get you the closest if thats what you seek. A sub or two may help if your current speakers are bass deficient, but speakers are designed with a delicate balance and a sub will mess with that. I still prefer sound quality to huge dynamics that always come with high DB levels.