How organized are you with your music

How organized are you with your music? Do you keep your CD's and Record in some type of order? Do you keep an electronic inventory?

Showing 1 response by dfhaleycko

Funny, I was just thinking about how super-organized my CD's are compared to my LP's. About two years ago, I ripped all my CD's to a hard disk on a server. Since then, I use music manager software (SqueezeServer) in which I can search for titles, artists, dates, or whatever to find exactly what I seek. It really opened the door for me to explore my CD collection. For instance, if I search for Margo Timmons (lead singer for Cowboy Junkies) I discover that she sang a cut on Leo Kotke's "Big Bad Boy" album called "Pepe Hush." Never knew she was on that album!

On the other hand, my LP's are alphabetically organized, but if I want to find Renaissance band music, I'm screwed. Gotta get some structure/database going (see my other thread, posted about the same time you posted yours).

Organization is one of the keys to enjoyment as your collection grows. Otherwise you end up only playing about 5% of your collection and don't realize some of the other great stuff you have. Or at least that's been my experience.