How often do you turn it on?

I am in the process of upgrading my relatively new Krell 575 Solo for their new XD. Being 64, and moving and packing 70 lb a major PIA, I question my sanity. I justify my action by reminding myself that audio is my only hobby, one that I dedicate 2 hours a day to. 

I am curious, what are your listening habits? Is it daily, do you read while listening, analog/stream/CD, age group, etc? Anything that will help get my head around my audio nervosa. 

Showing 1 response by reubent

If I'm listening alone, which is most of the time, I usually have my laptop in my lap, reading and posting on AudiogoN. I also surf a few other websites that interest me. I also sometimes clean records while listening, but I'm not in the sweet spot for that activity.