How do you listen?

I listen to a lot of (classical) music. Most of the time I try to listen at concert hall volumes (really loud) so as to try and recreate the feeling I have  being in the hall.  But  recently I’ve discovered I can get satisfaction listening at moderate levels.  There is a certain relaxed quality to listening this way, and sometimes I think I hear more of what’s in the music.
How do you listen?

Showing 1 response by sakoaud

really mijostyn5,258 posts? ??

@mijostyn As a Board Certified Otolaryngologist-Head and Neck Surgeon (ENT doctor) I ask you, what about the Tensor Tympani muscle? Which is the "first line of defense" against toxic noise exposure. You state: the Stapedius muscle is the "smallest" in the human body? What about the Tensor Tympani? How do you know this? Done many stapedectomies, ossicular reconstructions in your lifetime? Please provide reference. Wow.

Can you provide the documented evidence that the Stapedius TENDON/muscle "tightens up slowly" and not neurologically/reflexly rapidly (as in micro/milliseconds) and is expected and observed in just about every other protective neuromuscular reflex in the human body)?

Moreover, your statement of "... therefore always important to warm your ears up. I start at about 80 dB and add 2 db or so every two or three minutes until I get up to 95 dB. This gives the stapedius time to tighten up and protect your inner ear from noise induced damage.  This is also why impulse noise like gun shots is the worst to cause hearing damage as your ears have not had time to warm up." ENTIRELY without scientific merit. "warm you ears up"? Wow. 

Are you making some sort of uneducated reference to a "temporary threshold shift"? Please provide any scientific otoneurologic evidence of your claim. I doubt it even exists. If you can't...please stop with this misinformation! Furthermore, this is NOT why gun shot is the worst to cause of hearing damage! There is another entirely scientifically proven mechanism, that has NOTHING to do with what you mention. 

There is ABSOLUTELY no scientific merit to mijostyn's above idea.  There is no "warming up of the ears" - toxic noise level is toxic noise level - this is a biochemical phenomena that is (and still partially incompletely) understood, but CAN be prevented.

Partial reference to the above:
Mechanisms of noise-induced hearing loss indicate 
multiple methods of prevention 
Colleen G. Le Prell a,*, Daisuke Yamashita c, Shujiro B. Minami c, 
Tatsuya Yamasoba d, Josef M. Miller

Complete scientific references (hundreds) available on request.