How do you chose speakers based on room size?

I haven't seen a guide that discusses how to size speakers based on the room that they will be placed. What is the proper method to mate the two?

Showing 1 response by brianmgrarcom

Interesting thread, and timing, to me as well as we are looking at buildng a new house and in the new house my wife would like my system to not be in the living room, but rather in its own room that will also be my office. The challenge has been finding floor plans we can use (and afford) that I feel will have a room large enough, yet I really don't know what "large enough" is. Budget will play a large role in what size room can be afforded.

Another issue is windows, they are a must for asthetics but suspect not the best for sound; I also will have hardwood floors, though a throw rug will be put down.

One of my concerns is sound off the back wall and I was surprised to read the comments above where they thought 18" was sufficient. My current room has my system in the living room. The speakers, facing me, face into the kitchen/dining room, so this is the full width of the house, 30'; I clearly hear more bass if I go to that back wall. Any (stereo) room in the new house would have me much closer to the back wall.