High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing


Showing 50 responses by calvinj

Hey fellas, here we go again. I wonder why they would come to this thread when there a hundreds of places they could go comment. Maybe, it's sounds better than what they have. Maybe, they don't understand why high fidelity owners are so loyal to the brand. The sound is completely mind blowing. That's why the prices get paid. Compared to the other high end cable makers his most expensive cord is a third or a fourth of the price of the competitors. For all I know the nay Sayers maybe the competitors themselves. For all the readers of this thread. You don't need anyone to tell you what you should be paying or what it's worth to you. Try them for yourselves. Contact high fidelity. Contact The Cable Co. They have a loan program. Put a small deposit down get them in and try them for yourself. You be the judge. Once you hear them in your system you won't want to send them back. Happy listening. It's not the flavor of the month. It's actually the purest form of gourmet vanilla or chocolate you have ever tasted. Pure sound delivered In its purest form. I know it's important for folks to criticize so keep it coming. Those that are criticizing. Have you heard high fidelity. Tell us how they sound. Tell us what they do and don't do. Have you heard the top of the line. Have you heard them at all? Do you want to hear them. All of us other audiophiles are really not that smart. We really don't hear what we think we hear. Thank you for correcting us and telling us that we can't tell the difference. Wow I thought I was really enjoying the sound of my system but I understand we are not smart enough to tell the difference. Thanks for telling us that we should go to radio shack and do just as good there. Oh radio shack sells wire? High fidelity is not a wire I don't think I can get it at radio shack. Too bad because there is one three blocks from here. Lol. Thanks for telling us how foolish we are. We are imagining what we hear. We really don't hear the difference. Lol. So all the people who have posted what they have actually heard in high fidelity have really good imaginations. Hey everybody, we are not that smart and our ears have failed us!!!
@ddraudt enjoy your system. I know how truly you are committed to this hobby. I respect your music recommendations and I know that getting your system right has been a true audio journey for you. I know how serious you are about getting the sound right. Continue on the journey. Happy listening. I will get down to hear it all soon. Thanks.
Well. Everyone do what works and sound goods to you and enjoy. We are blessed to have what we have. I have searched long and hard. I don't have to get a point have have to get the sound I seek. Do what works for you and just enjoy your music everyone. I just want to listen not analyze this and that. I got off work early today and got 5 hours in. I loved every minute of it. That's all we should care about. Does it sound good. We are all way past being frugal. Lol.
@ddraudt. You are right again. They just want to fill ears with wax so we can't hear. Lol
@agisthos. High fidelity is different for the last 5 or 6 years I tried cable makers big and small 25 brands or more the high fidelity ultimate will be my reference cable. It's difference is that in my system it has better speed and realism. It's like a faucet with a bigger more free flowing spout.
@lak@tbg@agisthos@jazzonthehudson@fplanner2000@siddh@calloway@acman3@ddraudt and about 50 others I can't list I guess we are all plants. We are a marketing team.lol. We bought a product actually listened to it in our systems and liked it. Then we blogged about it on audiogon. We are because a guy who has never heard the product, won't listen to the product and will never listen to or buy the product told us that we are gushing too much about a product that we actually like that much. Are you frickin kidding me? Then he tells us he demands answers from the company to him even though he has never heard and will not even listen to the product. Lol. He is the audiogon FBI. Lol. We are audiophiles we like it because of the sound. We are not the forensic files. It's price per performance he says. Well to decide performance you actually have to listen to it!!! lol. Look grandma didn't raise a fool. The only reason a guy would post 12 times in 3 days about a product that he hasn't heard and will not ever listen to is because he is either jealous or the product is causing him to lose sells or those he is connected to to lose sales. If you are owner the product and you kept it then you know why we are all happy because you know how it performs or you would get rid of it. I've been a music lover since I was 4. I ran the candy stand inside the record shop at 9 years old. I played a glut in middle school. I used to have 500 cassette tapes. I managed the music department at Hastings music store in college. I have 1,400 CDs. I eat sleep study read and workout to music. I run my own law office for a living. I don't sell audio products for a living. I post here because I am blown away by the performance and for no other reason. I spent the last 6 years on a mission to hear as much audio as possible and put my system together. Gush alert!!! The high fidelity has transformed my system and has taken me to the elusive audio matrix. In all my years around music it's the best I have ever heard. When you spend the time and money I have you are happy as hell when you have a product perform this well. Look listen to them or quit the yapping about people who have listened to them. You want to question if someone is being genuine then either listen to them or keep making your own and don't. Why in the world would anyone answer your question when clearly you have no standing to even comment on something you never heard and will never listen to. I personally could care less about the other stuff you bring up. If the product performs and brings me the realism that I have never heard in my life then that's what I care about. Like I said stop by have a listen. You won't though because your job is to disparage what you haven't heard by those you probably work for. #hearing is believing. Open your ears or close your mouth pick one. @lak thanks for listening to my suggestions for the cds I got more suggestions coming. Follow,up,when you get them. @ everyone else For those who doubt the sound Couples Retreat. Lol. Boom!!! Boom!!! I do this because I bought a CD player once that was hyped up and I couldn't listen to it before I bought it and when I got it the performance was just not there. That's why I want people to come listen and decide for themselves. Audiophiles need to help each other not drag each other down.
My grandmother once said to me if no one's talking about you then you ain't doing something right. I used to be known for changing my cables left and right. It doesn't happen anymore because when I put others in it sounds veiled and covered up. I didn't know that Mcgyver posted on this thread. Lol. We are honored. Give me some bubble gum, a battery, some chicken wire and a Popsicle stick and I will build my own cables. They will come out perfect. Yeah right!!!! I respect DIY guys but this isn't about that. I have never heard anything like these cables in my life and they will not be leaving my system ever period!!!. If you like to build your own I applaud you. But, it's not going to be this good. @lak thanks for putting this
all in perspective. @ddraudt I got these revel studio2 over here jumping right now with some latin Jazz. The Congos, flutes and keyboards and cymbals are moving and starting and stopping on a dime. The pace is dizzying in a good way. Have they even heard the high fidelity? No.
@everyone try the album midnight sugar. It's a surprise. It's a blues/jazz piano by tyoushi Yamamoto. Hope I spelled that right. There was a demo of it on Youtube using the same revel speakers I have. The studio 2. With these high fidelity in I think I'm giving that sound a run for its money. Lol.
@ddraudt you are right. Why agree with someone who hasn't listened. That midnight sugar song in my system sounds amazing. Also listen to david kikoski, eric revis and jeff tann waites, there is a song called grey areas it has some great piano, bass and drum work. It is really good. I can't really explain how good the sound is using the high fidelity stuff. All I know is I can't go back to that regular old wire that I used to use. There is no going back. We are supposed to have a listening session this weekend. Going to invite some guys over for a listen. We just like to enjoy our sounds. Clarity in my system is at an all time high. Never been better. I've learned that if it makes me happy I'm ok with. Why argue If I'm happy. It's like giving a beef hot dog to somebody who is used to Boss Hogg hot dogs. I can't go back to all filler not meat. Lol. The high fidelity stuff allows you to hear when a piano rolls to hear every note when the keys roll. That midnight sugar song will be a delight in your system. Enjoy what you actually hear.
@Ddraudt I can't hear all that other stuff. My ears are full of high fidelity music. I listen to the Bennie Green trio tonight. I felt like I was there. Lol
@ddraudt my listening session starts at 4. Having a couple of new folks come by for a listen. This is the fun part. Different kinds of music with new ears to tell me what they think. If they enjoy it or if it's different in some ways. This is what the hobby is about. Getting folks who love the music and actually sit down and come hear it. Going to do more of this in the beginning of the year. I have a different set of listeners. Some love jazz, country, rock, classical and Blues. I listen to it all I respect the musicians and how well they play. I like the way artists compose and arrange the songs and sets.
@lak. There is a Scandinavian band call Phronesis album "Life to Everything". Kendrick Scott Oracle album "Conviction". David Kikoski "Standards". Miguel Zenon "Alma Aldentro. The Puerto Rican SongBook". The best jazz vocalist in the last 8 years is Cecile Mclorin Salvant album "Womanchild".
@ddraudt. Thanks for your response. I'm having some more people come and listen in a couple of weeks. Of course I'm in dallas so if you are up this way you are welcome. @ other folks If some are up this way if I'm available on the weekends. I will let people come take a listen. I don't mind for the most part. I want people to experience what the cables and equipment do together. I started on this journey 6 years ago and I've been blessed to hear some great gear. People come to this thread and others to find out what is good and what is not. We want the best sound possible. I've heard stuff I can't afford raidho d5 and stuff I can afford revel studio 2. I like to hear the best stuff and figure out ways to get there. I remember my first nice speaker the martin logan vantage. It went up from there.lol. I remember a guy trying to sell me expensive hdmi cables. Lol and how I ripped him a new one for trying. Then I started trying audio cables and they typically got a little better as I paid a little more. I tried cables for about 4 years then I tried high fidelity then I tried the better ones up the high fidelity chain. They got better and better. I have changed equipment and I might even decide to downsize my equipment now. However, my cables will stay. Everyone do what suits you. It might not make sense to anyone else but do what makes you happy. If you can afford it. Do it. If you can't do cheaper. Just enjoy your system. You will spend more time with it than anyone else. I post on this thread because the music makes me happy. I remember earlier this year when I acted like a 5 year old on this thread. There are times when it got nasty and there are times when I laughed my butt off. I call it how I see it. I haven't changed my cable brand choice for 2 years which is amazing for me. Lol. Others brands are good but this one does it for me. Find a way to listen to whatever you can. If you got cables you like stay with them. I'm looking at the trend here the last 5 or 6 days here and all I hear is blah blah blah. The thread is now all about saying that this person is a secret agent and I'm going to ride a white horse and expose them. It all makes me realize why I started this journey in the first place. I did it for hearing the music in the realist sounding form possible. I get clarity, soundstage, natural timbre, speed, excellent highs,Mids and tight bass. I get great sounding voices. I feel like I'm there. One thing about this hobby is no two people have the same system in the same room. Get there for yourself. Don't let other people tell you what you like and don't like. Don't let others distract from the music. I listen to music. If I want an expose I watch 20/20 or dateline nbc. I like jazz, blues, country, rock and great voices. I'm going to get back to the music. Everyone please remember why you started in this hobby in the first place. Enjoy whatever you have and can afford. All I know is I recommend high fidelity to anyone looking for great sound. I'm turning the channel off and the music on right now. Come listen with me I invite you just don't talk about the show you just watched while the music is on. Enjoy.
Well here we go again. @ddraudt. We had a great session tonight we listened to junior wells, Hiroshimi,Bobby Mcferrin and Stacey Kent. We had a great session. It is the best my system has sounded. I'm happy today. It's been along hard chase to get to this. Its been real interesting lately here. Pretty much you can try the cables from the cable company or get an opportunity to listen to them by getting a demo. If you decide it's worth it to you you buy them. If you don't. Don't buy them. You have decided that this is your cable of choice and I'm glad that it is mine. It really has transformed my sound. I constantly have changed equipment the last 5 years and who knows. I might change my equipment again. However, my cables are going nowhere. I'm off the cable merry go round. The high fidelity stuff is the best I've ever heard. I care about musical performance over all else. Glad I tried it for myself. I have had many opportunities the last 3 years to grow as an audiophile. The growth has come by hearing the best stuff I possible can and trusting my ears. I used to read the forums and let other people decide. Im glad i trust my ears. I think I have pretty good ones. I guess earlier in this thread I got annoyed by the science part of it all I don't anymore. That is very important and I have gained a better understanding of what this product does. The number one thing to me is how does it sound. I really don't get into the technical stuff if I don't like how it sounds then it's over. It just seems to me that if I'm someone who hasn't and won't listen to a product why do I even care what another man is doing or what he or she likes. I appreciate your posts and it has encouraged med to listen to more. I'm a lawyer by trade and I wonder enh I spent so much time in the hobby the last 5 years and I realize one thing. I love the way it sounds and that's all that ever matters to me. Enjoy your system and your high fidelity. @tbg. I like your approach in your modded equipment. I would like to get to that point one day. I see why you tried the high fidelity stuff in the first place. It's a different approach. @lak. How is it sounding. Any changes. Is it getting better.@jazzonthehudson how are things going. Any changes in your equipment or sound. @everyone who ever reads this thread. Very rarely do I see someone post on this thread who has actually listened to the high fidelity and they are not impressed with the sound quality. To me that's all that matters. #Hearing is Believing!!! Just lower the background noise floor and listen actually listen to the music.Lol.
@ddraudt. One thing I notice about the revel studio 2 is that when you turn the volume up and give them a lot of power they really cut loose. @tbg did you try high fidelity with your LSA statement intergrated. I tried it when I had the vienna acoustics. I think they would have powered my revels pretty good. Have you ever owned any audio research gear and what did you think about it?
Rule #1 never count another man's pockets. Nobody should tell anybody what they paid for what they got. To justify someone else's curiosity. This is the craziest crap I've seen in a long time. Maybe these guys are planted by the competitors. That's what it sounds like to me. The venom that is spewed sound like it comes from snakes. Lol. They come here. They haven't listened to the product. They then rant about the cost. Then they say they have an "ANONYMOUS" friend who is not being named that bought cables from someone. Then they an "ANONYMOUS" dealer who heard them and said they were ok. They still haven't heard them. This is complete lunacy.@ddraudt@tbg sometimes the trolls want us and others to eat the baloney sandwiches and not complain. Well I don't want baloney or spam sandwiches. We are coming on here discussing everything under the sun but comments from posters who actually didn't listen to the cables to tell us whether they are good or not. I've learned that when a brand is up and coming some folks send guys to challenge or disrupt the success or positive vibe by coming into the thread to crash it. Think about this people have went back in time like they did homework to post comments from others months ago. I'm so glad that I'm getting out of this hobby soon. These guys act like 7 year old kids who had too much sugar after nap at school and now they can't control themselves. This is sad. They probably have been sent by dealers who are losing sales out to high fidelity. I've seen this on threads a number of times. Sometimes this industry can be full of jealousy and envy. If you shake up the apple cart with something new people want to kick it down. Still the best answer I have gotten is a friend heard them and told me. What the hell is that? Then to comment on price. Wow I don't see these people on the other high end cable threads saying one word. Now they want to tell a company how much to charge for a cable they never heard.lol. If you don't spend at that level then don't buy it. Go to radio shack and be happy. If you can afford and it works then just go do it if you like it. I have never heard anyone discuss what they paid for anything. It ain't there business want anybody paid. The damn Internet is really something. If someone got a deal then that shows them that they are right and at the same they say I'm not paying more than getting radio shack supplies. Well we should get you a Christmas gift card there. This is a damn joke. Calling people plants etc. it's flat out disrespectful and nutty. @ddraudt sorry I fed the trolls today. I had a listening session last night that was up there with one of the best smaller systems that I ever heard. We all agreed that if high fidelity came out with another cable that sounded better we might not want to try it so that we would not be tempted to upgrade. Lol. I listed for 5 hours with friends over. They love the sound. They didn't care about who these ghost writers on audiogon. They just pushed play. The sound went through the high fidelity and out the speaker and a funny thing happened. They actually HEARD the cable and music hit their ears. It was followed by head bobs, rocking back and forward and something I call a the "hayena music hit the bone marrow yell of joy" the last one is hard to explain. Lol. Happy listening is what we had yesterday. Happy listening to all. I'm dropping the mic and walking off stage. Lol.
@lak that's what I'm talking about. The music on that cd is intoxicating. It is a ealy great recording. My revel studio2 and my high fidelity ultimates plugged in to the arc ref3 give this recording snap, drive and musicality that is off the charts. I like to hear about audiophiles enjoying the music and turning off the background noise. That is a great trio and recording. Very high quality. I'm out in Houston but I can't wait to get back home to fire my system up. I will post another suggestion soon.
Ok back to what matters. My system hit it out the park last night. Man there is no way I'm changing my cables. They were really moving my jazz last night. We threw everything at them from vocals to complex instrumental pieces and they performed like a champ.
I will post one after I get back from out of town. On my way to Houston for the holidays.
@ddraudt. Back to the music. How is that power conditioner treating you and what conditioner did you use before high fidelity.
Correction. You haven't heard what you are giving everybody else advice on. For those who hear a cable or brand that you like comment as much as you want. Some people will say way that person really likes that piece of equipment and others might question why you like it so much but remember most of those commenting will never hear your system ever at all so if it makes you happy keep doing it. It's your system. It's your money. Its your happiness. I wish people would stop trying to tell others how much or how many times they can say they like something. However, I don't expect that to happen because I can't tell another man what to do or say about what he paid for or how much he should or should not pay. I can't tell he or she what he should or shouldn't like. I've said way too much already. I should no better than to even go there. I'm far away from the music talking to people I will never meet trying to tell everybody what they should or shouldn't say. I should know better
@lak if you are ever up this way let me know. You are welcome to listen to my system.
@lak I have 2 suggestions for you. One is called "Two Shade" by Gerald Clayton. The other is called "Alive" by Hiromi. These are two really good albums. The other piano album I suggest is called "saturday morning" by ahmad Jamal. He is 85 years old and has been recording for 60 plus years. This last cd is smoking. Lol. Give it a try. This material with the high fidelity ultimates you have will be complete ear candy.
@ddraudt I'm going to try a few tweaks in a couple of weeks to see if I can get a little bit more out of my system. My revel studio 2 have started to open up. The bass drivers are starting to move a little better the high fidelity have settled in nicely as well. They mate pretty good with my resonessence dac. @lak what source do you use. @jazzonthehudson what source are you using.
Anyway everyone enjoy the journey when you find something you like tell us as much as you want. Share your enthusiasm about your equipment, cables and music. This hobby usually pulls you way to deep in one direction or the other. When you finally reach the place you are seeking be happy and share you mountain climbing experience. Experiences on equipment or product I enjoy. Opinions on who should say what and how many times they say it doesn't help the people who are interested in improving the systems they have. But speak your mind anyone. If I want a steak from a resteraunt I want the opinions of the people who actually ate there. If you have ate there tell me how much you liked it I won't stop you. Your system is like a potion you can always change it to see what you can get. Enjoy your music. Trust your own ears.
@sabai what does it matter to you. 1) I blog because I'm blown away by the product. 2) The sound quality is better than I have ever heard and I've heard about 25 other brands and I've heard some of the ultra expensive brands that cost way more than the high fidelity stuff 3) price the really good equipment in this hobby will 90% of the time cost more. 4) The others on this blog could have legitimate concerns or as I suspect sometimes could be working for other companies themselves or have affiliations with those companies. One more thing that I put in my previous post. I have open the doors to where I live to hear them. I'm not doing it for anybody's sake but for those who want to hear them and decide if they like them. You're not going to listen cause your decision has already been made. But to anyone else contact me come listen decide for yourself. I don't sell them. If I moved a pair I've done so to move up to the next level I the chain. Look you can continue to be analytical but my analytics tell me to actually listen before I can analyze. I've watched folks come along in this hobby or other industries and do things to stop things for various reasons. I don't care who is doing what for what reason. If you want to hear the high fidelity stuff it's in my system I welcome you to come listen. I bought a CD player that I couldn't hear about 3 years ago and it was an expensive lesson on why I should try to talk to people who have listened to a product before they buy it. That's exactly why I'm letting people who want to have a session can come listen to my arc3, my revels, my cables and my dac so they can decide if the gear is something they would like. Easy way to settle your dilemma or anyone else reading the thread.1) If you are anywhere near dallas message me come hear for yourself 2) the cable company does demos of this product and hundreds of others call them try whatever you want. 3) Be careful with those who say they are concerned about marketing because the could be actually doing anti-marketing themselves. I don't know if that's what's happening but my eyes are open to all possibilities I'm just saying. Signing off on this issue. Must really be important for those to stay on the same tired argument. Ask yourself why they thinks it's important enough. Audiophiles trust nothing but YOUR OWN ears. Hearing is believing. Notice how a person comments and still haven't said they heard them or planning to try to hear them. There is no way that I let anyone tell me anything that they haven't actually experienced whether it's audio or life. I can't hear you cause you haven't heard what you are have giving everybody else advice on.
I've came to houston for a while and while I'm here I decided to let a fellow audiophile keep my high fidelity ultimates for 2 weeks he uses an integrated and a different set of speakers than I have and he is completely blown way by the performance he is getting. True audiophiles should be helping each other like this. That same person loaned me his integrated a few months ago to let me try it in my system. That's what this is about helping each other hear as such as you can so when you do purchase you are happy. I have been invited by many on this forum to listen to thier systems and in the new year I'm going to take them up on it. I want to see what equipment they use and if they have high fidelity is it working for them. I will also be going back to listen to the raidhos again with the levinson 585 soon. It's a dac plus integrated. The person uses other cables either tara labs or ansuz. It will be an interesting listen. I'm glad that there are some folks who share their systems and let the other audiophiles try it. It allows you to educate yourself in a non-show environment. It allowed me to hear the best of the best and even if I can't afford the super expensive gear I can find a way to get some less expensive things that cost a price I'm willing to pay and get close to reference performance. Happy listening everyone. I will post my impressions after I go back to listen to a couple of those systems.
@calloway. I will be out next year late in the year to visit one of my god sons. We have a friend out there who works for the government. I will definitely take you up on it when I get out that way. Thanks for the offer. I like to hear as many systems as possible. @rlawry I appreciate your comments on your system as well as free choice to buy what you want. Also I'm not a cable builder I just don't have the time or patience. Plus the level of performance of the high fidelity I have is a realistic sound that I have never had as long as I been in this hobby. If you are in texas ever. Let me know.
@lak. I had a great listen session tonight Alan toussiant, Phronesis and David Kikoski was off the chains good. Enjoy the music sessions I gave you.
@calloway. I will be out next year late in the year to visit one of my god sons. We have a friend out there who works for the government. I will definitely take you up on it when I get out that way. Thanks for the offer. I like to hear as many systems as possible. @rlawry I appreciate your comments on your system as well as free choice to buy what you want. Also I'm not a cable builder I just don't have the time or patience. Plus the level of performance of the high fidelity I have is a realistic sound that I have never had as long as I been in this hobby. If you are in texas ever. Let me know.
@sabai. I call it like I see it. If you want to be mad people on the thread go right ahead. I have asked you 5 times have you listened. You either don't answer or you accuse people of selling cables. Audiophiles want to know does it sound good or not. I'm asking you directly have you heard them or not? Are you going to listen or not. Nobody cares about your personal vendettas for folks you don't like. People read the thread to see if It sounds good or not. The only thing you have heard is the sound of your own voice. I challenge you to listen. You won't because your focus is bringing down something based on personal stuff. Its clear that you have posted now 16 times in 5 days and you have not heard one note. This tells me why you are here. Who do you work for? Fellow audiophiles if you want to listen my home is open to you. I want you to hear all you can. I do this for those who want to get the system right and seek the best sound possible. Hearing is believing. Talking runs a marathon.
@ I had a great listen session tonight Alan toussiant, Phronesis and David Kikoski was off the chains good. Enjoy the music suggestions I gave you.
@lak. Don't forget to tell me your impressions on how the cds I suggested sound in your system. What I've found out is that on trio and quartet jazz the high fidelity assist in unraveling the music and allowing you to hear more of the musicianship. Tell me your impressions about this after you listen for a while. I hope that you are enjoying your current system combination. I'm enjoying my music more than ever. I want to continue enjoy as much as I can. I will share my actual listening experiences and music suggestions with you and others
@ddraudt how are you doing. I'm getting more of my sd cards done to listen to my audio. I want to listen to more music as much as I can. I want to enjoy all things related to actually listening to different bands, trios and quartets. I appreciate your music recommendations and other tweaks you have recommended. This has been interesting to watch. I'm smart enough to know that you can't please everybody. I think as an audiophile please your ears first and everything else comes after that. My priorities are changing even within my music. Continue to enjoy the journey.
@ddraudt I agree with you. High fidelity does complex musical passages better than anything I have ever heard. David kikoski has a song called grey areas. You should hear how the music starts and stops on a dime and how even when there are about 5 things happening at the same time that high fidelity pulls it off in spades. When I'm listening to the quartet or trios there is nothing like the speed and proper decay of the percussion work. The speed and depth of bass players etc. the pianos sound real with proper leading edges and depth. I understand exactly what you are talking about.
@ddraudt and tbg. I agree. Ddraudt has my email. We will get it done. @everyone. I had a great session tonight. Great people. Great audiophiles. Being blessed this year all the way. I'm happy that I got my high fidelity this year. I'm happy I got the best sound I have ever had. I'm glad I discovered great music to listen to. I'm glad I made some new audio friends. I'm happy that I made new friends period. Sometimes audio brings you together for reasons that are not all audio. I hope God blesses you all this year and what you seek in your sound but more importantly in your life. Happy listening to all for another year!!!!!
@ddraudt. I will be attending a listening session tomorrow. I'm going to listen to some music tonight. It's going to be great to listen to some different music and meet some new hobbyists. We as audiophiles are a little different from some other folks. I'm just glad to be around some new people who really are into getting the best sound possible out of the music and gear. There will also be some folks that just enjoy listening to something different. Me included. HAPPY!!! Cause I'm HAPPY!!!! Cause happiness is the truth!!! 😃😄😊😀😁😎😇😆🙉🙏
Had my own listening session 5 hours yesterday. Great jazz and r&b. System is real long popping. Very musical and moving. Cymbal transparency is amazing. Drums are moving and snapping. Piano is key rolling and decaying perfectly. You can hear inside the organ. I barely went outside yesterday. Lol. All of this is a true joy. I know I am high fidelity gushing again but that what happens when something comes in and catches what you been chasing for years. I just enjoy and discover constantly new music now. Hope 2015 gets all of the guys that come on this thread and others what they seek musically and in life.
@lak I hope you enjoyed listening to those cds. It's seems like you have they are some great musicians. Hearing is believing. I been listening a lot the last two days. It's been pure enjoyment. Gush alert!!! When you have these cables with well recorded cds it is flat out amazing. Amazing transparency with the ability to unravel the most complex jazz passages. The guys in phronesis have amazing timing playing off each other. This is where the cable speed and realism shine. Kendrick Scott is one the best young jazz percussionist in the industry right now. Cecile salvant is the best jazz vocalist in the last 10 years. She won the Paris vocalist competition a few years ago out of nowhere. Man and that kikoski is a flat out jam session. When I get the opportunity to hear great music, cabling or equipment I go out of my way to do it. Makes me happy and I really try to give folks good advice on what I actually hear. I had a very happy day jamming my system.
@tbg I'm excited about getting to listen to your system. Will get it done in January. I like to hear different systems. I know you have worked tirelessly to get it right. It will also be good to hear to records on the phono. It's good to experience all the stuff you can. I got to hear raidho on soulutions gear. Although I won't ever get it. It helps me understand the differences and possibilities in sound. Enjoy your listening sessions. I listened a lot the last couple of days. It's always a good sign when you don't want to move from your listening sweet spot.
@ddraudt and rlawry. I'm enjoying the sessions with the cables. I have to watch it though listening can put weight on you because you spend lot of time sitting relaxing and hearing the best sound I have to this date. Try some of those cds I recommended to lak if you like jazz. It comes down to your ears hearing not your mouth talking. Enjoy fellas.
@ddraudt. This has been interesting. How the Internet can be. It's like trashing a resteraunt you have never eaten at about having bad food. I really have learned through our experiences here. I started to go on my listening exploration about 2 1/2 years ago. I needed to have a reference point for what is good and what's not and how. First, the most important thing is that the product performs. Then I can decide if it's at a price point I'm wiling to go to. Performance is king. I'm glad there was a way to hear high fidelity. Glad that there are audiophiles who put sound first and that actually share more experiences with product as opposed opinions about what they never heard and won't hear. I'm glad I saw your posts and how you enjoyed your climb up the chain. Keep listening and reporting.
@ddraudt I have a world music suggestion for you. I am global. Try an artist by the name of Siji. He is special. He has a great voice and musical arrangements on his albums. You will enjoy and appreciate his music. Smooth jazz suggestion. Try George Howard album "Personal". It is one of my favorites.
@sammons. What DAC do you have. I have the Resonessence Mirus. Sounds good with my ultimate power cable.
@lak how are those cds sounding. I hope you are happy with them. I will keep the suggestions coming. I have so much music I spent a lot of time just getting my system, cable, sources etc. right. I try to figure out what your tastes allow and make suggestions from there. Seems like there are so many different tastes and opinions out here. My suggestion is to hear it for yourself when possible and make your decision from there.
@ddraudt. I totally understand where you are coming from. I didn't listen much saturday because I'm starting to gain weight from sitting in my sweet spot and not moving much. Lol. I have a great sound and I want to keep it going and just enjoy my music. I look at the posts and participate in the forum but I'm more interested in if my system sounds special and satisfying and with the high fidelity stuff it gets that done for me. I will get some more listening in this week. I guess some people don't understand. However, if you get them in your system and play them. They really perform well. For those reading this the lyrics of one of my favorite songs starts with the line "Dont Talk Just Listen".
@ddraudt. Another suggestion. Landmark smooth jazz album. Najee"Najee's Theme". Try it came out in 1987.