High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing


Showing 50 responses by calvinj

@agisthos. I can tell there is a slight difference. The volume is a little better on mirus. But it is still breaking in.
@ddraudt. Thanks for the recommendation. I understand that these tweaks are important. Get the major things down then tweak your way into the sound you like the most. The little things are important. The high fidelity stuff is a keeper and you tweak your stuff the rest of the way and other places. Will try to get myself settled and get my tweak on. Lol. Happy listening. Glad we are back to the music. Not talking about that other stuff. Let the Poindexters argue let's enjoy what we have found. Lol.
@audiolybarinth. Man this is what happens when someone thinks there is better than Tara Labs. Come on keith. It's gonna be Ok. Stay positive. Don't be so sensitive. I don't cable search anymore because I got what I think is some of the best. I don't go to the tara labs thread saying negative things because I'm happy with the High Fidelity. None of us go there and post negative on tara labs because when you got the best the rest is just other stuff. Lol. Relax keith. It's gonna be ok. Calm down.
@audiolabyrinth. We are not a posse. Some of us who like the cable don't even talk to each other. I could care less what somebody else's opinion on a cable that I like that works for me. There are things that maybe we don't see eye to eye on however we agree that high fidelity works for us. Tara labs works for you. The thread is about the high fidelity experiences. How can you comment when you never heard the top of the line ultimate reference or even the entry level ct1 for an extended session. The high priced ultimate reference is no where near the price of top of the line tara labs. High fidelity also does the trade up program. People were trading up to the next level of the technolgy . Which I have actually have not seen another company do. Great technolgy and great service from a high end audio company. Pushing the the limits of sound. The passion for innovation in getting our music to sound the best possible. Well it may seem that we are a posse but individually we have gotten great service, great product and great sound from high fidelity. We all chased cables for years and now found one that makes us happy. Tara labs makes you happy so I never put it down because that's what YOU like. I'm not gonna say anything negative about tara labs because the high fidelity puts me in a happy musical mood. Happy listening!!! No negativity towards tara labs. See keith. That's what's happens when the high fidelity touches those ears. Lol.
@Ddraudt Enjoy. You are in the lab again. Keep tweaking and getting it better. High level listening with high level technology and quirky tweaks make for a great audio experience. Happy listening.
@audiolabyrinth. Keith we are good. Just enjoy what you have and enjoy the music!!!
@Ddraudt. I know. Rick and Peter dropped by two weeks ago and between the High Fidelity gear and their knowledge things got better quickly. Great equipment and advice including tweaks. Happy listening!!!! Looks like you had a great and musical weekend!!!!!
@audiolabyrinth. Ok I guess. That's meant for me. No problem keith. I'm just being honest. Like I said you are ok with me. You can do and say whatever you like. I always have told you that. We all have our opinions. I respect yours. That's cool. It is what it is. How is your system going. I'm in the middle go another component revamp.
Well I got my resonessence dac and I'm probably moving into a reference level speaker. I'm going to be slowing down after that. I have to get this all settled in and then I'm going to basically stop getting Gear and start doing small tweaks and enjoying this massive music library that I now have. Rick from high fidelity has been great helping me figure out my system. It's time to slowly buy and build it now. We are in phase one. I will get it all together and let you know how it goes.
@ audiolabyrinth Well I got my resonessence dac and I'm probably moving into a reference level speaker. I'm going to be slowing down after that. I have to get this all settled in and then I'm going to basically stop getting Gear and start doing small tweaks and enjoying this massive music library that I now have. Rick from high fidelity has been great helping me figure out my system. It's time to slowly buy and build it now. We are in phase one. I will get it all together and let you know how it goes. I want to have all of this settled by the holiday.
@Ddraudt. Got a speaker will report out soon. Got what I want in the sound. It is great with high fidelity will give a full report after it's all set up. @ tboooe welcome to the audio matrix. Lol. @audiolabyrinth I'm gonna slow down here shortly. The audio chase has worn me out. I want to get it all set up and enjoy the music. I'm gonna slow it up. @tbg I will ask him later this week when I see him. I would love to come listen one day. We will have to set that up. I always want to hear different systems and great sound. I know you have put your knowledge of audio into building what you have in your system. We will make a listening session happen soon.
@audiolabyrinth. A lot of reviewers said it beats it. Now you have to understand that the dac chip that the auralic uses is made by the brother of the resonessence mirus owner. Think about it. They developed the ess sabre dac chip. Got to be good. Lol.
@audiolabyrinth. The resssonessence is actually in neither camp. It gives you great detail with air around the instruments. It also takes the slightest amount off the rough edges so you don't have listening fatigue but you still get detail.
@ddraudt. I'm good I saw Rick today. His system sounded amazing. He has high fidelity ultimate reference in the whole system. Everything is breaking in and it sounded even better than the first time I heard it. It has speed and a naturalness that I have never heard. Clear and musical. I'm doing ok. How are you. I'm just being patient. I was listening the the high fidelity with the luminance kst150 and the old manley shrimp pre amp. Once again it delivered great sound. High fidelty worked in a different set up again. Sounded great.
Once you take high fidelty ultimate reference out. Your system doesn't sound the same. I'm doing it now. Your system becomes duller. There is clarity and inner detail loss. The system loses a lot of zing and life. The speed on the percussion and cymbals are lost. Also the separation on the same instruments like multiple cymbal taps now just run together. You can't hear the inside of the drum and the skin of the drums. Things lose their sense of space. This is a description of my system with no high fidelity ultimate reference in it. The system sounds ok but no where near as good when the ultimate reference was in. Rick's product is one that is musically transformational. If you have not tried it you need to. It is truly and experience once you put it and the magnetic conduction of the cables start working. Speed, naturalness and clarity are there in spades. Happy listening!!!
@jmac A vovox and a clearer audio. The ct1 is very natural. That's what I like about it. It was more open. High fidelity ultimate reference is great. It's up there in price but compared to what some of these other companies are charging. Not that bad lol. @ audiolabyrinth remember I'm not attacking you. Don't go spouting off at me my friend. Lol. Happy listening fellas.
@audiolabyrinth. There you go kieth now tara labs cures EBOLA. You always finding away to protect them cables no matter what. You talk about the high fidelity fan club. Look at you. Lol. Keith I knew you would respond that way. Lol. @ddraudt how is the system sounding. @tbg how is your system sounding
@ptss. No we don't have shares. We are customers who have become friends. When you get the level of customer service from the owner of the company like Rick gives you appreciate it. Then his product blows you completely out of the water sound and performance wise. It is a conversion experience. The high end audio can sometimes be snooty and arrogant. This is not the case with Rick Schultz and high fidelity cables. Wondering why you even asked? Have you heard the cables?
@audiolabyrinth. There she blows!!!!!! Come kieth You are killing me. I'm just stating the truth. All I know is that other cables are good but they don't match up to the power cables and interconnects I've heard from high fidelity. I'm not attacking Tara she is cute for a date but you marry High fidelity. Lol. A bada bing!!!!
@audiolabyrinth. Don't take that too hard Kieth. Remember I never commented on something beating your higher end tara labs. How can you tell how cute tara is if you never saw her in person. Kieth translation. I would never say something is going to beat something else when I have never heard the higher end of something else. I've heard the best high fidelity ultimate reference stuff and when you take it out you literally go through withdrawal!!! I never say that one cable is going to destroy another cable that I never heard. I guess that's why someone would get agitated by your comments. I'm not agitated because I know tara labs is like OZ. They see all and know all. Lol. Man but you got to be careful. Nobody minds a comparison. But there has to be an actual comparison. No matter what Tara is the cutest girl on the block to you. But happy listening kieth if tara does it for you be happy.@ddraudt I put a high fidelity ultimate back in and got some of the magic back. Now be nice to kieth if he sees and hears your cables his eyes and ears will do a double take. Lol. Happy listening everyone!!!
@ptss. No we don't have shares. We are customers who have become friends. When you get the level of customer service from the owner of the company like Rick gives you appreciate it. Then his product blows you completely out of the water sound and performance wise. It is a conversion experience. The high end audio can sometimes be snooty and arrogant. This is not the case with Rick Schultz and high fidelity cables. Wondering why you even asked? Have you heard the cables. Have you heard any of the technology he employs in high fidelty?
@jafox. Comparisons are overrated. I found out that a number of factors contribute to your sound. Room acoustics, amplifier, source, power cords interconnects, ic. Etc. etc. etc.. However, there is also mods inside of equipment. I'm using an amp that has some mods in it. I'm using the resssonessence invicta mirus dac. As my source which is one that is different from all the other people I know. I sold my rel sub this weekend and move it out the corner and gave the speakers some breathing room and it sounds absolutely great. There are small changes that make big differences. Room acoustics and equipment and listening materials make huge differences.@Ddraudt I see you use all modified equipment. There is no comparing your stuff because it's all one of a kind mods. I'm finding out that that may be the way to go with this stuff. @tbg you are right comparisons are not good in our area because every body has equipment that reacts differently to the rest of their equipment. I'm tired of folks coming saying what stock stuff did we cone from it high fidelity. I have only an ultimate ic in my system right now and I happy with its performance in my system. Kst 150 amplifier also performs well. Hard to compare other products to his. He is doing something totally different technology wise. Great product, great service to add on to to that makes them a winner. @lak how are you liking that speaker cable.
@jafox no offense. Just saying. Our systems have 15 to 20 different things going on in them at one time. I have included the high fidelity ultimate reference in different systems with about 5 different pre amps and directly to my amps. It's versatility allows it to perform well. Comparisons are a little over rated to me. I been doing that for 5 years straight. It's a bad way long term to evaluate a cable because you are doing quick comparisons and not looking at the cable matching with the other components. Biggest mistake in audio is this along with impatience. Some guys have stock equipment. Some guys have highly modded equipment. Some guys have built from scratch custom equipment. It just depends. We blog here because of the guys who like the high fidelity stuff it's working in all different environments. We post here to get impressions of the high fidelity stuff and I don't mind criticism if you have heard the best stuff but I see a lot of skepticism when you have not. I'm open to any comments negative or positive. I just want people to speak from experience with the product that they speak on. @Ddraudt. @tbg Maybe if they ever see the light they will know light when they see it. Lol. @ everyone. Nothing personal. Just kidding around. However, until you hear it you will not understand.
Oh well guess I touched a nerve. Anyway it's America. Speak freely everyone. Anyone else who have heard high fidelity please post so we can get impressions on what your thoughts are of high fidelity that you actually heard. Just want to know what you like or don't like about them. No offense to anyone but I guess when I hear something that's good I call it what it is. I'm hear for the music and anything that makes me enjoy it I give it credit. Enjoy what ever you use to feel the music. This is what did it for me. Happy listening everyone.
@tbg. How are you. How is everything sounding have you made in recent changes in your system.@ddraudt. How is everything going. I'm doing ok. I had a subwoofer sitting in the corner by my speaker. I removed it. It made my room and everything in my system.
Well. We have been officially hi-fi jacked. This exactly what people want. We are not discussing performance or sound or music. For those who read this thread for the music I will say this to you. I only deal with companies and audio people who meet the following criteria. 1) great customer service 2) audio performance. I met Rick Schultz 4 years ago at the Lone Star Audio Fest. He was brimming with enthusiasm about his product. We talked for an hour. I came back and he talked again. Initially it all flew over my head but I knew that I heard something that intrigued me. We ended our conversation and was invited to hear his product in his system. I got busy and never got back with him. At the time I was demoing cable after cable after cable from the cable company. I was sent his cable to demo on a suggestion by Steven from the cable company a year later. I was floored by the performance I didn't know it was him. I looked on the internet for the cable and googled his cable. I looked at a YouTube video and saw it was him. I called him and he spoke to me freely for an hour on 2 occasions and then told me when I could come out to listen. I did a month later and was floored by the performance. He was very nice and customer service oriented. A good person and a believer in God. I'm not here to push my religion on you but I'm not afraid to let people know I am a believer. I listened again and then I demoed his cable in my system. They were the most open and non fatiguing cable that I heard ever. The speed and naturalness was off the charts. I continued to listen and demo. He took his time to show me things in audio. He didn't make a dime doing that. He did it because he wanted to help an audiophile brother. I eventually got something from him and will be a customer again in the future. I don't make any money off my posts here. I wouldn't want people to be misled that way. High fidelity is really good but the people behind it are better. I could care less about what anybody else has to say. I been on an audio trip of my dreams. I have been shown the best equipment. I have been educated on how it works and my ears have been allowed to have skittles, now&laters and sprees all at the same time. Lol. My audio calms me after a long day practicing criminal law here in Dallas TEXAS. It brings me a joy and a high that can not be reached with anything else. His product has put me in the audio matrix more than I have ever been. I have had bad experiences with other high end audio. Audiolabryinth can attest to that. We we're both mistreated by another company who I won't name. Lol. Calm down kieth we don't want to get audiogon spanked for saying the A-.word or the name of the seller. I say all this to say I am not posting here for payola or other reasons. I'm a real music lover who finally found a great product with great customer service backing it. Look if your feelings are hurt easily go see somebody about that. I'm good with who I am and I don't ever say someone has zero credibility. My ear is my ear and yours hear differently. If they hear at all because if you ain't heard it you can't comment. I will no longer address the negativity of those who spout off because they are insecure about who they are. I have no issues with anyone I just tell it how it is. TEXANS do that. So that you know down here in Texas AMIGO is a term of endearment. So to my fellow AMIGOS and MUSKATEERS. We have more spots open and it is free to join. We have one requirement and that is your ears have to like the sound of the music. Happy listening to everyone amigo, MUSKATEERS or not. I will add more items in the future from this company because of how it makes the music sound like I'm there. Not because I'm being paid to do so. Thanks everyone. Now I have officially moved on. I will only post about my experiences from this point on. Happy listening to all of you high fidelty or not.
@tbg. Good music and great environment for listening. I totally understand. With a music server at your fingertips and only time to listen on your hands. That's what is all about. Best High fidelity hooked up to great equipment. That is some happy listening!!!@Ddraudt I finally get it. Lol.
@Ddraudt I totally understand. I took the high fidelity out and my system lost its mojo. I took my pre amp out and I ran some high fidelity ultimate straight from my resonessence dac to the luminance audio kst150. Bammmm. The speed and naturalness is off the charts. Straight to dac and no pre amp. Magic is back. Be bop jazz and percussion work is off the charts.
@ everyone I went up to magnolia home theater here in Dallas. They had an all mcintosh system mc2500pre, 275 amp, mcd500 CD player using audioquest rocket 88 and king cobra ic and one of thier 900 power cords. The system. For the most part I think the cabling was the big factor in it sounding slow and uninvolving. The prat and transparency was not there. I was wondering hoe the high fidelity stuff would sound on there. I think mac has great gear but I wanted to see if anyone has tried high-fidelity on mcintosh gear.
@ronnjay. What kind of equipment are you running in your set up. I'm just interested in how high fidelity has worked in your system. What cables did you have before high fidelity. What difference did you hear in your system. I'm using one ultimate right now going direct from my resonessence dac to an amplifier.
@lak. How are the ultimate speaker cables working out for you. I have an ultimate ic that I'm enjoying.
@lak. I understand. The reason why I ask is that I wanted to know how it was working for you. I want to eventually make that my go to cable in my system. I'm not debating anymore. I want to find out what is working for people that have high fidelity so I can see how high I can go in the chain. I too have had other cables work. I think these are real special because I I don't long for interconnects changes like I used to. What kind of equipment are you running.
@Ddraudt hey man I understand the frustration. I want to find out the best way that I can get more out of my system using high fidelity and this thread has turned into something else. I know better than to let myself get off topic and from now on I'm going to stay on topic. Do you run tube or solid state equipment. I know you have custom built stuff I wondering.
@fluffers. I liked the high fidelity in this order. 1. Power cable 2. Interconnects 3. Speaker cables.
@Ddraudt. Are you using a dac or a server or CD player. I used to worry about going balanced to equipment. I don't worry anymore because high fidelity stuff provides natural clarity so I don't need xlr anymore. I'm enjoying the way the cable enhances my speed and the amplifier is contributing to the overall prat. Rick did an excellent job on both. He suggested I go straight from dac to amp. Sounds great that way. I use different sources so that's the only reason I need a pre amp now. High fidelity seems to do a lot of good things without creating bad drawbacks like other cables I have tried. I'm going to listen some tonight.
@calloway. I know how you feel I have been on cable merry go round for 5 years. I got to demo high fidelity. I have an ultimate ic now and will have to work on another piece or two to put in my system when I can. I really don't care to stay in the cable merry go round. I think the high fidelity stuff does a whole lot right to my ears and the negatives if any are extremely small. I think people may think we are zealots or something because the way we rave about high fidelity but I got rid of all my other cables just about and I'm selling my last ic that I had before I had high fidelity. They cost more yes but I am willing to pay to get off the cable merry go round.I'm not a scientist but I trust my ears and I like what I hear. I don't care what another reviewer says or magazine says. This cable has some serious prat and naturalness that is musically pleasing to me. It's completely different to everything else that I have tried. I will add in the future what I can but I have found my cable of choice. For me it actually makes sense to get equipment that works with the cables instead of vice versa. Lol. Continue to enjoy the music.
@lak. It's looks great. It looks like you put a lot of time, work and money in your system. I know it's a process. Continue to enjoy the music.. I'm doing little by little. It's all personal preference though and tweaks when you get to a certain point and I am trying to get there.
@highfidelitycyprus. I totally understand. I have and ultimate now but when I demoed the ultimate reference it was more of a great thing. I still enjoy the ultimate but the ultimate reference is a step up. Enjoy. @tbg and Ddraudt. How are y'all doing. @lak how is it sounding.
@johnbstiuu. I had a long demo with them and once the leave your system you are going to want them back. It's a high you don't come down from. The music just loses something when you take the power cords out. I listened for long periods with them and now with out them. I don't know if they are they holy grail but I do know that in my system the music lost some prat, naturalness and realism. I'm working on figuring out a way to get some of it so I can go back to a couple of things it will be a slow build.
@Johnbstiuu. Enjoy it will take your music to another level. Enjoy the trip and the sound.
@highfidelitycyprus. I have an ultimate. It is a great interconnect. However the ultimate reference stuff is off the chains good. I demoed a full loom. Realism, prat etc. is increased up the chain with the ultimate reference. @Ddraudt@tbg@lak and anyone else I forgot how are y'all doing. I'm glad we are talking about the equipment and music again. I'm gonna rebuild my system a little at a time. I have to pull back from the hobby for a slow rebuild for now. Enjoy the music fellas and of course the high fidelity. Lol.
@ everyone I went up to magnolia home theater here in Dallas. The had an all mcintosh system mc2500pre, 275 amp, mcd500 CD player using audioquest rocket 88 and king cobra ic and one of thier 900 power cords. The system. For the most part I think the canceling was the big factor in in sounding slow and uninvolving. The prat and transparency was not there. I was wondering hoe the high fidelity stuff would sound on there. I think mac has great gear but I wanted to see if anyone has tried high-fidelity on mcintosh gear.
@tbg. You are so right. The Mac sounded full but slow and plodding with a haze. Not very transparent. The prat was not that good. It was subpar to me. I'm gonna get more high fidelity when I finish building this system. I have one piece but need a power cord eventually. I feel like a junkie without his smack right now. Lol.
@johnp. People think I'm promoting and cheerleading with my comments. However, that is exactly what I been telling everyone. The ultimate reference power cord comes in and improves your system on a whole other level. Like a steroid shot of openness, clarity and realism. Im Glad you are feeling music like a lot of us did when we put it on.
@ fluffers@lak. I think all of the high fidelity cables are good. The speakers cables are good as well. I like it all I wish I could buy it all lol. The one thing that I like the most is the speed. When a drummer plays. You hear ever tap of the drum and tap of the cymbals in perfect decay. These are the fastest cables I have heard out of all of them. Also it is open and natural without being bright. Depending on what you want in your system I think you will be happy either way.