High Current vs high power


Often you hear/read comments that the current matter more than the power (example Nait) and one should look for high current more than high power etc.?

Can anyone explain that or debunk the myth (my limited physics knowledge tells me that power and current are interrelated for the same voltage and impedance)?

Also, which amplifiers (pre power or Integrated) have 'higher current' than their peers at same power ratings? Is there any specification that shows the current capability of the amp which one can read and compare? like power, THD etc.?


Showing 1 response by bombaywalla

08-26-13: Bifwynne
Al and Ralph, it amazes me how this technical issue just keeps on giving.
LOL! & so true...
but it's good to see that more & more people are beginning to ask this question & are desirous of understanding this electrical interface. This is good! I'm reminded of a clothing company that I * think* is no longer in business - Syms - their slogan was "an educated customer is the best customer". I feel the same for this hobby (obsession?) of audio. The more the users understand, the more the manuf will be vary of try to pull wool over the users' eyes & the more truthful the specs will be.
On the flip side - Look across the pond in the EC countries - hardly anyone over there buys audio equipment based on specs. And, they manuf some really nice sounding gear!
In the USA (& maybe Canada too?) we are obsessed with specs & make that our guiding light in our decisions....

Kelpie, i 2nd Bifynne - read his other threads where several of us have contributed to clearing up the air. It's extensive reading but it will help a lot.