hifi as investment?

Well sort of. I am just starting out in this hobby and having already exchanged a few used components I bought here and later sold- sometimes for the same amount I paid- sometimes for more-

Seeing this has made me consider the idea that one could approach this hobby's acquisitions as a sort of currency. Considering the ease with which many popular components are sold- SCD-1, De Capos, etc. I have begun to realize that it is possible to approach an expensive system with the rational (if art is not enough) that ridiculously expensive components are just another form of money- a temporary resting place for your reserves (of course this considers purchasing used and at a fair price).

I'm looking for nominations. What components are most depreciation proof once they have taken the hit of being used? I want to rationize an absurd purchase and enjoy my monetary reserves while retaining my safety net.

Does anyone else approach it like this? Used Elrods? Don't get me wrong, I'm doing it for the love of music, but a $15000 system requires some consideration of financial prudence right?

Showing 1 response by herman

While some items retain their used value (usually about 50% of retail) longer than others, as soon as the next generation of that item comes out they will drop in value. Since you can't really preditct when that will happen, I think your plan is flawed. This especially true with digital but happens with all gear. That is unless the company goes out of business, and then it drops because you can't get support.

Buy it because you like it and it is fair value today. Tomorrow it may be worth a lot less and very rarely will it go up unless you got it below market value.

The only thing that really holds it's value is vinyl.