Help with fatiguing sound in my PC system

I replaced my Halo Pre and Denon changer with a PS Audio DL III. I run lossless music into it from iTunes on a PC (Windows 7 64bit, core i7, 16MB RAM), I use a Pangea USB cable into a MF V-link, then go into the DAC with a Wireworld ultraviolet coax. The increased detail, clarity, resolution and extension are remarkable, but so is the amount of listening fatigue. The highs are too much, but the music sounds muffled if I add the pre-amp back. My system is profiled in the link below. I have some ideas, let the voting begin:
1 - buy an offramp or a pacecar (can't afford it!)
2 - use better USB/coax/interconnects/speaker cable
3 - apply acoustic treatments to the room
4 - use a software player (Jplay) that sits on top of iTunes
5 - buy speakers with different tweeters (Quad 22L2/Focal 826v, this is happening, but not any time soon)
6 - get a better amp (McCormack/Odyssey, distant future)
7 - tweak Windows 7/iTunes settings (WASAPI exclusive mode?!?)
8 - adjust speaker position/toe in (already did this and it helped a little)
I am thinking about trying #3/#7 next. Ideas? Thnx in advance.

Showing 1 response by sbleam

Also having the PS Audio DL III -- I would have to disagree with it as a cause for the fatiguing sound. I run from a SONOS digital coax out to the DLIII, to an AYRE integrated amplifier (vial XLR balanced ICs) to a pair of PSB Sync 1 speakers. The sound is warmer and gentler then my Ayre CDP in most cases. From the SONOS I am playing both my own Apple lossless files, and online music sources (XM, Pandora, etc...) I would just definately say that from SONOS to the DLIII with digital coax is a warm stronger source then my CDP.