HELP.. power problems

So since I moved I've noticed I have some major power issues with my audio gear.. anytime my dishwasher changes cycles, or my refrigerator kicks on or I turn a light off specifically I get a loud pop..the only filter I have was something laying around that was designed for copier machines from years ago.. and it didnt help even a little.. What can I do to solve this thats not crazy expensive??

Showing 1 response by digitalaudio

Just to add two cents. I think it is a misconception that because things are on different breakers that they are some how isolated power wise. The only way that would be true is if the breaker were tripped or open (off). When the breaker is closed everything goes to a central electrical panel comes from the same feed and back plane so there is no isolation really.

Of course this is not quite the case when you have done as Krell Man suggested and use a dedicated and seperate incoming line. Though at some point all the power is coming from a central residential transformer.