Help ! Best MC cartridge for Linn LP12?

I have a LP12 with new EkosSE arm with Skale weight. The TT has Keel chassis, Radikal power, AQ Leopard cable. I use a Krystal MC now. I'm asking what cartridges mate best with my setup from a compliance standpoint- weight mount, suspension table etc.  From that list I'll try narrow down to good selections that mate to my phono/pre. Hopefully I will have a few that I can choose from to suit my listening tastes, knowing that compatibility isn't coloring what I hear. My budget limit is $10k. I have some thoughts already, but don't want to bias comments by naming them. So please help me to narrow my options down to the best candidates. 

Showing 5 responses by papafrgog

Thanks. I have considered scrapping the LP12 and moving on. I drank the Linn Kool Aid and I'm still trying to improve it. I hate losing money on the rig. 
For you other guys, maybe I didn't phrase my question perfectly enough for you. The first thing I mentioned was the arm and  I know that's what the cartridge needs to mate with. I listed the rest of the table because I knew other Linn owners would say first upgrade other parts of the TT before spending $ on a new cartridge. So with that clarified, do you have a thought on cartridge or was this just a poke at my poor grammar?
i have an Aesthetix Janus Eclipse pre w phono and the regular Etna is a better match. 
Thanks Davey. I felt like mating to the arm was my first step- weight etc. I know dynavector XV 1-T/S supposely work well, as do The Delos, Skala,Etna etc. I was hoping someone could expand that list a little. Koetsu ? AirTight? Clear audio? As I said in OP, if I have the best pairing with the arm, then I can use that list as a good starting for compatibility w/ my phono stage. Then from those, I can listen to them individually (hopefully).   If the Better answer is upgrading my phono pre section, & sticking with my existing cartridge, I'd consider it. I'm trying to get the best source component and then  work outward. 
Everyone, the suggestions are excellent. To address some specifically:
1. Vibration/ footfall- a HUGE problem I discussed in previous posting. Resolved by ripping out floor under equipment & pouring 12'x 8' x 5 deep concrete slab. Ran separate dedicated 20a supply circuits with 8' deep copper ground. Equip rack is Critical Mass Soto  Vocce w black diamond iso shelves. Noise floor & vibrations pretty well handled now. 
2. All cabling is Transparent Reference or RefXL. The AQ Leopard TA cable is stiffer than the Linn cable, but I was careful to install to allow movement. The SQ improved so much I'm not going back to the original.  
3. Great point about upgrading phono section over cartridge w limited life. In fact I can easily audition a few phono sections in my price range to see if I get the improvements I'm hoping for. I want more resolution or detail than I currently have, particularly in the upper midrange. Maybe even more analytical, if I could actually hear an example of what that is. I'd like a little more extension in the highs. Of course everyone wants lower noise floor, speed & broader soundstage. 
4. Having hybrid system with a full lush sound now, going to a SS phono stage might be a option. Any thoughts on Merrill Jens, T+A, vs
Lamm, Zesto or Aesthetix Rhea ? This change might as impactful as going to a Lyra Etna or DV1-S, which are my first choices for a cartridge upgrade.

I honestly appreciate you the helpful and thought provoking responses. For the other responses, go f yourself. Haha. 
I will for sure. The local Linn also sells Lyra and  AR so I could ask them to set up an LP 12 w a Skala and AR phono pre. Ideally get it Demo'd on my system. What do think about used AR equipment?  Certainly seems to have some availability in the used marketplace. 
I've had people that know analog (and I trust) tell me the 15,000 I have in my LP12 could have been spent with better results.  Like Bart, I have a great digital side and I don't get the same emotion from my vinyl. And I think I should. Hence the thought to upgrade cartridge. All of the excellent advice has lead me rethink a little. I'm going to first demo new phono section with existing TT set up.  If I can't get improvement I expect for the money, I'll try to demo a couple of turntables just to see what the difference is. I'm open to alternatives, even if it's selling the LP12. A wise man told me a few years back that "your first loss is your best loss".