Help Bat VK60 owners...lost a channel...

Help. I have a all BAT system, vkp10, vk50se, vk60. I lost my left channel last night. Pretty loud pop. The auto bias lights are out on the amp-left side only. The right channel still plays. I guess I can switch the interconnects to make sure the preamp is still working on both channels. If it's just the amp, how do I trouble shoot this? swap tubes on both channels? Fuses? Help, Help, it's a big pain to pack up and get it back to the dealer...but I might have to...

Anything ideas much appreciated! Thanks...

Showing 1 response by jfrech

Thanks everyone! It was the fuses. Don't know why they blew in the first place...but it's working now. It wasn't playing very loud. $1.19 at Radioshack...