Heavy Metal Anyone?

In my opinion, the best musicians are heavy metal musicians. Jazz is easy, ine note at a time, doomboombooppettiboop, but, can any of thos jazz dudes do what the heavy metal bassist do, or guitarists, or drummers? And , it's easy to test a system using jazz with simple vocal tracks, test systems with Heavy Metal. If it works with metal, it will work well in general. 

Anyone agrees with me? 

Note, no disrespect to jazz, classical lovers . I listen to a lot of jazz, blues, classical and especially early music. 

Showing 1 response by edcyn

Punk/New Wave rock songs often move at considerably quicker tempos than metal music. So can classical and jazz music. Yeah, Heavy Metal guitar players can play quick successions of notes but their licks are largely confined to simple patterns that are within the normal span of the fretting hand and that often don’t require more than two or three fingers to negotiate.

Classical players also excel at the surprisingly difficult task of playing at extremely slow tempos. Classical players are able to be comfortable within (and constantly shift among) key signatures, something that would drive any rock-and-roller, of whatever genre, utterly nuts.

True, heavy metal playing takes stamina and a considerable ability to withstand insanely loud sound levels. The guy who called the profession of rock "going deaf for a living" really got it pegged. I also have to say that I’ve played in my share of genres through the years (mostly on guitar), and that it’s a total blast to do metal. But in terms of sheer musicianship, heavy metal artists are, at best, in the middle of the pack.