Has this happened to you? How can it be stopped?

Well this question is for fun but also kinda serious too.

Have you felt the urger to buy a vintage piece of audio gear when you really didn’t need it? Have you felt that this is an addiction and how can it be stopped?

I have Marantz 2235 receiver in my office, a Sansui 1000x in my bedroom, a Realistic STA-52b in my spare bedroom and Yamaha RX-V995 in my wifes sewing room and a Yamaha RX-V690 in the garage with various vintage speakers connected to all of them. I already have two complete audio systems in my audio room.


When does the madness stop? My wife tells me I have an audio problem!?!


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Showing 1 response by 1971gto455ho

Depends on what you buy. With selectively bought 80’s 90’s top of the line you’ll still pound most of what’s offered today. Restore, upgrade where possible and enjoy what most still can’t afford. It’s all mechanical and all eventually needs work, that said most can still be done. Look inside the average ‘quality amp’ today what you see is the cheapest possible parts and assembly line work, otherwise that $6th unit would be $12th, and so on. Then there’s the specs and hearing, odds are you won’t go wrong there either. The market is there to get you to buy, Great still beats good modern or not.
