future of 2 channel CD sound

Since everyone agrees Cds have limited sound quality, do you think
that there will be a new high definition 2 channel audio format? like a hdtv for 2 channels?

I know there is sacd and hd dvd, but people here don't seem so interested in it, or its priced too expensively.

Showing 1 response by horseface

I'm extremely happy with the capability of my Redbook setup for the most part. The problem as I see it is the old "garbage in = garbage out" adage. If the studios keep turning out a POOR product it won’t matter how resolved the output is.

I have remastered Redbook CD's that are nothing short of incredible and SACD's that I am less than impressed with. The more I read about what compression and the "Loudness War" the more I wonder if the whole industry isn’t going the other way. Please check out the "Turn Me Up" link at the bottom of the Agon home page for more info. Lots of good info out there but the bottom line seems to be that most of the recording engineers are being pushed into turning out product geared for iPods and low quality MP3 downloads. Make it louder and the kids will buy it. The cost is dynamics, range and in essence – fidelity. I have been looking for a book that rates the sonic quality of CD recordings; some kind of roadmap that will tell me if it’s going to have that “special sound” or if it’s going to be another waste of $16. So far – nothing. I think we are a dying breed