Enlighten me please

I keep hearing about "audiophile" redbook CD's and notice folks alluding to better quality CD's. I realize that the likes of BMG are mass market garbage. What other labels are considered crap? Also, what labels are higher quality? If you have a particular CD available on one label, Sony for instance, is it often available from a more esoteric label as well, or do the rights to produce a given album lay with the label? I notice BMG usually has its stamp along with the original label on the disk, denoting that BMG has probably paid some liscensing fee to produce that disk.

Any insight would be nice, I think I know some of the answers but would like more information. Also, can anyone provide links to resellers of good quality recordings?

Showing 1 response by tpsonic

Mapleshade sampler {festival:$7.99}.Burmester #2+3,XRCDs {get a second recommendation} and Jim Aud/Purist Audio demo CDs-very nice {$25/each}. Maybe CHESS and Rounder records.