Does hearing the best in high end audio make your opinions more valid?

I say yes. Some say no. What are your thoughts?

Showing 1 response by akg_ca


(1) Without prejudice to anything below, the expression “best in audio” is usually interpreted singularly and thus uniquely (differently) by the beholder. Regardless of hobbyist or audio mag reviewer/reporter, it churns out a broad range compendium of a buzzilion conflicting anecdotal and heavily biased personal faves .

(2) Accordingly, there is no reference point for “best” in audio, and to search for that elusive term is a futile search for the Holy Grail, starting with the constant tension introduced by conflicting context:
(a) the “best” that the beholder has actually personally auditioned (a very limiting and distilled sample); versus
(b) the “best” in a particular price point strata