Do we really know what "Live" music sounds like?

Do we really know what music sounds like?

Pure, live, non-amplified, unadulterated music.

Musicians do but most layman do not.

Interesting read by Roger Skoff.




Showing 1 response by orgillian197

Do we really know what music sounds like?
There are as many different answers to that as there are listeners.
Every succeeding generation finds its following one's music to be lesser, even unlistenable, compared to their own (classic rock perhaps being an exception), so grading the aural qualities (or lack thereof) is difficult.

For many, unamplified classical, bluegrass, jazz, etc is not what they consider music to be at all. This spreads further when you include the plethora of ethnic musics, at times with instruments unrecognizable to those from elsewhere.

On top of these differences, a music reproducing system often is to live music as a photograph is to standing in front of and seeing the subject - a brilliant reflection/approximation at best. As beauty is said to be in the eye of the beholder, music is what is in the ears of the listener.