Devore O vs Audionote

Anyone heard them on the same amp, same room? (low power tubes is what I will use)

I guess both use a modified Seas driver, except the alnico model Devore. The higher end AN use silver voice coil wire but still with the Seas I think. 

thanks in advance


Showing 3 responses by clustrocasual

Just trying to see if anyone can comment on the vibe between these two brands popular models. I'll leave it to others to comment on which ones they heard and their impressions. thanks

@prof thanks very much for the info! I was especially curious about the tone of the mid driver.. but im also sensitive to coherency and thats a good point about the corners with AN.


@wolf_garcia There are incredible options at fractions of the cost if you DIY. But then, you'll have to put in the time. And thats when you realize people charge a lot because ... they put in the time.