Comments on Rogue Preamps?

I am currently shopping around for a tube pre-amp under $2000. I have heard some good things about the rogue pre-amps. I will be driving Magnepan speakers with an Odyssey Stratos Amp. Can anyone with a Rogue comment on satisfaction level. Thanks.

Showing 3 responses by sedond

i found the cary slp98 to be marginally better than the rogue in all areas except the bass response - where it was a *lot* better. current-production can be found for quite a bit less than $2k. but, i prefer the melos ma-333/music director, which can also be found for ~$2k, or less - in another league altogether, imho...
ya, leafs, 'twas i who gave ewe the two negative wotes for content - no problem w/the form, tho, altho i *do* wonder why ya tink i shouldn't post about my experience w/the rogue anymore. is that bad form? should i give it, mebbe *one* negative wote?... ;~)

as i said in another thread when ewe made basically the same erroneous statement that i hadn't broken-in my 99, i had over 500 hours on it before i gave up on it... ewe say:

"He was not happy after 1 hour and did not break his unit in contrary to his claims. He had it sold before it was even warm."

what didja do, mount a spy-cam in my listening room?!? ;~) while it's true that i dint like its dynamics & low-end response when i 1st turned it on, there *were* enuff tings i liked about it to give it a chance, including switching out the toobs to some nos ge gtb's. while full-o-bloom, it still dint improve its weaknesses in my system, even after 500 hours, so it had to go. and, i do confess that i missed having a balance control & a full-function tape-loop

i'm curious why yude tink i (or anyone, for that matter) wood be dishonest about my experience w/this (or any) product. whaddya tink, i'm tryin' to kill the resale walue of yer unit, or cause the brand to fail? ;~) i woodn't concern myself - enuff folks such as yourself, david99, & members of the audio press, say decent-enuff tings about the product to make it inneresting to others.

and, ackshully, i myself, wood like to hear the 99 in another system, w/short interconnects to the amp, and into a load of, say, 100 kohms; instead of the 18' i/c's & into the 25 kohm load of my system. equipment-matching, including impedence matching, *is* important.

ewe mite wanna relax a bit, over the fact that the rogue pre dint work for me, in my system. it doesn't invalidate yer liking the product. i happen to greatly prefer the melos music-director preamp. perhaps it's cuz the melos' output impedence of 15 ohms is plenty-low-enuff to drive the long i/c's & moderate input impedence seen in my system, perhaps it's someting else. but, if someone doesn't like melos equipment, well, i guess isle yust have to kill them... uh, i mean, it's ok w/me! ;~)

regards, doug