cartridge Benz, Koestu, Lyra

I have a Scout with a Benz Glider H2 currently, running through a AR PH5 phono pre. I am looking to upgrade my cart. Would a Lyra Helikon be overkill and would I have a problem with anti skate? I have heard the Koetsu Black and loved the airiness. Would a Benz woodbody give me any of that air? It's really difficult to listen to diffrent carts, plus they are always on a diiferent rig. I am probably going to buy used.
Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated.

Showing 3 responses by piedpiper

I woule love it if people wrote more specifically than "it was better" or even "it was way better." Obviously we are all juggling system coloration/compatibility and personal bias/frame of reference. Jmcgrogan? Wanna give us blow by blow on the carts you listed? Thumbnail sketches would be very useful to some of the less experienced here.