Can "Dark"Sounding Speakers Be "Brightened"UP???

One of my buds has a pair of the original Sonus Faber Concertino speakers(bi-wireable)partnered with a Peachtree Audio Decco,driven by a HP Laptop & cabled with all Audioquest copper cables(usb,power & speaker).While listening to my new Toy Monitors & Peachtree Audio MusicBox driven by an Asus Laptop recently he commented that he was able to hear treble frequencies(especially cymbals)on my system much better than on his & wondered if anything short of changing speakers could be done.
I have read that Silver Plated Copper cables tend to sound a touch brighter than all copper & was wondering if you folks think switching to all Silver Plated Copper(i'm thinking Nordost or DH Labs)cables might bring the treble up a bit in his system?
Thanks for your input,take care...

Showing 1 response by mitch2

I second Wilsynet and Elizabeth in that the (main) problem you are hearing may not be the speakers. As Eugene81 reports, the speakers may be midranged focused but you may be able to improve things to an acceptable level by making other changes. My recent experience swapping around IC cables showed significant changes in the HF presentation between even very good cables. My overall experience has generally been that "darkness" (being a somewhat warmer than life mid-bass, less extended treble, and a focus on body and depth vs. resolution and detail) is sometimes a function of the electronics. Personally, to my preference, some of the best sounding gear I have owned had a touch of darkness.