Buzz trnasmitted to speakers from amplifer

Generically, if your amplifier transmits a low level buzz to both your loudspeaker with no inputs connected (only XLR inputs available into amplifier)would this indicate some faulty engineering in the amplifier? Might there be a fix?...amplifier is plugged directly into wall outlet.

This buzz is only audible 3 feet from the loudspeakers and not heard with music playing.

Thanks for your input.


Showing 1 response by magfan

If Thorman is correct, you can test with a decent power conditioner. BORROW one for test.

Can you supply more info? Age of amp? Other stuff on the circuit? (fridge?, aquarium pumps/filters?) Tube or SS amp?

Does the ll Buzz get louder when you turn it up? Do you have to turn it up past normal listening levels to hear it?
Does connecting an input, even with the input equipment off change anything?