Bi-wire options

i thought it would be better to post this question in a cable circle than out in the open. here are some bi-wire options that i have run across and would like to get your impressions on the sonic benefits of each.
1) cable attached to the upper posts.
2) cables attached to the lower posts.
3) keep the two neg. posts shorted and cables attached to the upper or lower posts.
4) attach the pos. cable to the upper post and the neg. cable to the lower post (diagonally)


Showing 1 response by yioryos

I agree with jeffreybehr and would add that some people including myself like to use identical speaker cables for both low's and high's runs to the amp.Others like to use heavier gauge on the low's and lighter gauge wiring on the high's.I personally use Analysis Oval 9's but seen Kimber Kable 8TC for low's combined with 4TC for high's that really like to try.