Dear 'gonners'

I have a lovely Pickering XSV 4000 MM cartridge. I understand this to be from the heyday of high compliance MM cartridges when the correct tonearm was lightweight etc.
As a result of this I have decided to have 2 arms on my turntable - one for this, and another for my Transfiguration Temper V
I already have a Moerch DP6 and am considering a light arm wand, but I was simply gonna use this for my Temper V.
Can someone recommend a tonearm from the heyday of light arms in the 70's that will be suitable - thanks

Showing 2 responses by lewm

Isn't the cartridge called "XSV4500", not "4000"?  If not, then I have learned something new.  Never heard of the 4000.  You've received several excellent replies to your question; I think they're all good ideas. To add to the data set on the Unitrac, this is also one of Win Tinnon's favorite tonearms.  But what strikes me is that if you own a Moerch, can't you get a second arm tube for it that is medium or low mass, and just go with that?  Might save money and the aggravation of mounting a second tonearm.  And the DP6 with a medium to low mass arm tube will likely be at least the equal of anything else mentioned.

Fleib, I yield to your vast knowledge on these subjects.  I've got a used 4500 somewhere, I think. Never heard it.  I had been under the impression that XSV4500 was in the line with XSV3000, etc.  Now, even as I write this, I am questioning my memory.  I do know the XSV7500 is an analog of the Stanton 980LZS, or no?  What is "U" in XUV?