Best 20A IEC power cord

It's been a while since this topic was covered in Audiogon. I have the Sierra Denali amps and the power cords are pretty loose fitting. That aside (I'm sure they would be replaced if I asked), I have a bit of an aversion for stock cords. BMI no longer makes the 20A version. Any other recommendations? Thanks in advance.
Mr [email protected].

I end it with this; whoever and whatever your personal agenda may be.

Question: What is the serial # on the WHALE you claim to own ? You can e-mail me personally.

Plus getting back to the orignal topic in this forum which is; "Best 20A-IEC power cables"? There are no 20A-IEC WHALEs out there, except in your mind. Why would one bring up an irrelevant and slanderous remark of a company's product if there is no affiliation of the orignal topic at hand ?

It's rare that I ever get involved on a Audiogon forum. But when someone flat out lies; well that's when I step in. The WHALE sells on it's own merit. BMI does not have hidden motives or agendas as you may personally need. We see right through this and regardless if you are a member or not. In fact most of BMI's worldwide customers are not Agon members. Even so the proof is in the pudding with the reputation we keep towards our product & service on this site.

Stop wasting my time and other member's time on this nonsense with your tactics. I've been around too long to see what you are "trying" to do.

Good luck to your personal motives.

Thank you and have a nice life.
I guess Mrchips missed the class on business professionalism. Emotional touchiness isn't pretty, eh?

Either way, I don't own the equipment for a >$400 PC but I can promise I wouldn't buy a Pure Note or BMI after reading this thread regardless of what my ears thought.

I also own the Denali amps (2 used in monoblock configuration) on which I use a TG Audio HSR i2 power cord. They were my original 15A cords that Bob Crump reterminated with the 20A connector for $50.00ea including shipping. These power cords were recommended by Marty of Bound for Sound fame during his review of the Denali amp several months back. They are a very synergistic match with the Denalis. With that said, I am thinking about upgrading to the new TG Audio SLVR power cord (w/20A connector). Both cords list for $500/ea. Hope this helps.

So I take it that for most power cords, a simple switch from a 15 amp to a 20 amp IEC connector would do it? (Of course, even 15 amps is a lot of wattage so I wonder how often the cord would be called upon to deliver more) Are there any other design parameters that need to be considered with a larger end plug and a potentially higher current drain? Does the 20 vs 15 amp provide more current "headroom" only if the cord is designed for it? (I'm blindly borrowing a term from a different context here)

Thanks for all the comments so far.
Ozfly, my PERSONAL opinion is that any cord with a MINIMUM gauge of 12 gauge can be used for 20 amp service. The only "conditions" that i put on that statement is that the connections on the cord are extremely solid and the cord is of reasonable length. I would rather have a cord that is 10 gauge or heavier if running something longer than about 4' or so. 8 gauge would be even better. You can get away with less though due to the fact that most music is of a dynamic nature and the power demands are typically not of a continuous nature. This is quite the contrary to what most electricians will tell you though. Sean