Are internet sales taking business or not?

I got into a heated discussion with my friend the other day about internet high-end audio sales. He felt that the internet was stealing business from retailers. I argued that retailers are losing business because they offer such poor customer service. By driving hungry customers away, retailers create a market opportunity that internet companies seize. In a 12 year period, my visits to 9 high-end salons in 5 states yielded only 50% satisfaction. 25% of the time the sales was sub-standard (meaning I might buy, but with much reluctance), and the other 25% was incredibly poor (I wouldn't buy, period!) Any comments?

Showing 1 response by brianmgrarcom

Maybe if there wasn't so much mark up locally; one wouldn't look to the 'net if they could get it locally for a simliar price. Then again, there will be those that want many services from the local dealer that add to the cost...

Maybe it is a fault of manufacturers for setting high list prices.