Advice for mounting a TT shelf on a wall

For more than one reason, I have decided to place my TT on a wall shelf. Now it occurred to me that there may be preferable places on the wall for the shelf to be mounted. Taking into account standing waves, electrical interference (hum), and even height, I suppose that one location is preferable to another. 

 Also, this is a very heavy duty shelf, and there may be additional considerations just because of this. No doubt, I will locate wall studs for mounting. What considerations come to mind for this?


Showing 2 responses by dover

The main consideration is to put it on a load bearing wall. 

Absolutely agree. Load bearing walls either have footings to ground directly underneath or concrete pad at ground level underneath.

Loading bearing walls do not move with the floor. Non load bearing wall move with the floor.

Location wise avoid corners and alcoves where you can get bass reinforcement.



Am I correct in assuming that half way up the wall may be another room node?

As I've got older I find the optimum height is high enough so you don't have to bend over when placing records on the platter, and also such that you can look at and clean the stylus comfortably - for me that's about hip level. Forget about room node for height  - bit OTT in my view.