7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?

I've been out of high-end audio for about 8 years, and the thing I am most struck by on my return is the apparent acceptance of power cables, interconnects and speaker cables that cost as much or more than heavy-duty high-end components.

As a now-outsider of sorts, this really looks like the Emperor's New Clothes big-time. Especially power cords, considering the Romex that delivers the A/C to the outlet isn't exactly audiophile quality.

Are people really paying $500 and up for wire? Is this foolishness of the highest order, or is this what people now believe it takes to extract the last percent or two of definition from their components?

What happened? Even buyers of what are now considered "modestly priced" cables would be laughed out of the professional audio world, so why do audiophiles think they need something better than was used to make the original recording? MOST professional recording engineers scoff at the difference between microphone cables that cost $19.95 vs. those that cost $49.95 -- most anything higher is rarely considered at all (the most expensive microphone cable might be $125 for a 20 foot run, and it's laughed at by most of the pros).

I'm not criticizing -- I'm too stunned to draw any conclusions -- I just wondered if anyone has given this much thought.

(At least I understand the home theater revolution -- thank heavens something came along to save the high end manufacturers, although it makes me chuckle to think of someone spending $30,000 to watch the Terminator. It's OK with me.)

Thank you for your consideration,

Mark Hubbard
Eureka, CA
Ag insider logo xs@2xmark_hubbard

Showing 4 responses by psychicanimal

Mark Hubbard, it is called the Voodoo...

Good cables do make a difference, but you do not need to spend thousands of dollars. Buy concert tickets instead. As I previously have posted, the people who are into the real thing fly to concerts. All this wiring extravaganza and Voodoo is for the wannabes.

There IS scientific basis for proper cabling, so here's a few links for you to use as reference:

1) http://www.geocities.com/jonrisch/index2.htm

2) http://www.geocities.com/venhaus1/index.html

3) http://tnt-audio.com/clinica/tweaks.html

Remember the Absolute Power Cord? What happened when it was introduced about a year ago? The Voodoo priests went ballistic! How could a cheap Chinese made cord outperform them expensive cables? What a riot!
Bomarc, you've just set the stage for the basis of marketing high end cables! All this twisting, filtering and pseudoscientific explanations is what marketers cling to! Power cords epitomize this. Use a little filtering, a 'unique' twisting and then power cords start sounding 'different'...

I've previously posted that power cords should not have any filtering incorporated in them--there's gear specifically for that.

Jon Risch's website sheds a lot of light on this subject. Just pure and simple copper with proper dielectrics and off you go! No need for the Voodoo...

I'd rather make my own cables and spend my saved money on a cable burner.