5 Reasons the Music Business Is in the Toilet

Interesting but not really "good news" article about the music business for those of you who can get past the picture of Miley Cyrus:

5 Reasons the Music Business Is in the Toilet

And no, the business problems are not Miley's fault. She does have to take some responsibility for the musical problems though.

Showing 1 response by casey33

RWD "no one is writing songs like Rogers and Hammerstein and greats of 30 + years ago" once upon a time I was of the same opinion.Then I heard a girl play a song she had written "The First Sign Of Spring".The Writer/Singer Jolie Holland on the "Wine Dark Sea" LP.This song is to me reminescent of Billy Strayhorn,That a person under 40 could have written it is eye opening if not mind boggling.So there is hope,just keep listening.