450 Pound Monobloc Amplifier

The Boulder 3050 monobloc weighs 450 pounds, 1500 wpc.

A pair of monoblocs weighing right at a half-ton...amazing.

The Pass Labs XS 300 monobloc weighs 300 pounds, 300 wpc.

With all of the advances in amplifier design, does an amp really have to be that big to get the results they're after?

The 1500 wpc D-Sonic monobloc weigh 12 pounds...I love it!

Showing 10 responses by noble100

I am very interested to see, over the next 2-10 years, how the established big names in high-end audio react to the already very serious threat that class d amplifiers represent. From my perspective, the writing is on the wall as far as the future direction of high-end technology for power amplification:

1. The current class A, A/B and tube amps are large, heavy, expensive, inefficient(20-55% efficient) devices that emit copious amounts of heat. This 450 lb Boulder monobloc amp may merely be the latest epitome of this group. These amps are probably nearing the end of their life cycle.

2. The current class D amps are small, light, inexpensive or relatively so,highly efficient (approx.90% efficient) devices that emit very low amounts of heat. These amps are at the onset of their life cycle and future improvements are likely.

If you owned a high-end amplifier company, which technology would you stake your future on?
Mapman made a very good point earlier in pointing out that the leaders in class D will probably be newer, less established companies. There are a few amp manufacturers, like Rowland, Rogue and ARC for example, that have read the writing on the wall and have begun offering class D amps of their own recently. I would not be suprised if a few others venture into class D,too.
But, as we all know, in the end it will come down to which ones sound the best. I'm going to refrain from commenting on this since we will all be voting on this soon enough with our ears and our wallets. But I will say that it looks like the class D train is just pulling away from the station.
Just my 2 cents.

03-16-13: Tomtab
"I'm betting the 450 lp amps will toast the 15 lp amps' what would you rather have running you speakers, a v12 1000 cubic inch engine with 300 hp or a 4 cylinda 90 cubic inch engine with 300 hp?? think of who would last longer."

You may be right, the 450lb class A amp might 'toast' the 15lb class D amp, but only if you placed the class D close enough to the class A so that it's within the amp's 'toasting' heat radius.
I'm not understanding why you think most people would prefer a gas/electricity guzzling V12 1,000 cubic inch motor to drive their speakers over a gas/electricity sipping 4 cylinder motor, especially if they both produce the same 300 horsepower.
I knew there would be oppossing opinions to my viewpoint. But, if your statements represent the best reasoning in support of class A,A/B and tube amps, then these old technologies may be in worst shape than I thought.

I just bought a Class D Audio SDS440SC. But I've been thinking of building a pair of monoblocs from the Hypex NC400 modules or even Abletec modules if they're available.
03-17-13: Tomtab
"i was told many years ago in audio that if you bought by weight alone you could never go wrong.i guess im old school."


I, too, would recommend you use your ears when choosing an amplifier, not heft.

I hope you're not using this old school method when choosing a wife or significant other. Choosing a mate by heft could result in poor choices.

Sorry Tomtab, but I couldn't resist, no offense intended.
"Hey Tim, I think you are right on the money. I believe with a decent amount of money thrown at R&D, the switching amp could be to linear amps what digital cameras did to film cameras."

Excellent analogy.

The R&D funding and progression of class D is happening right now. It started with the I.C.E. modules/amps, moved on to the Hypex modules/amps and the latest is the Abletec technology from Norway and Sweden. D-sonic is supposedly using this latest version in their top of the line monoblocs.

Major trends are probably identified more easily when looking retrospectively. It's much more difficult to distinquish between a major trend, as oppossed to a passing fad, when all of us are in the midst of the fast paced technology changes. My money is on later generations identifying class D as a major trend and paradigm shift in home audio. It's too good to be just a fad.

I recently 'put my money where my mouth is', replacing a 23 yr old Aragon 400 watt class A/B 65lb amp with a Class D Audio 440 watt SDS440CS amp that is 1/3rd the size and weight. My system, for both 2-channel and ht, has never sounded better. This amp has no problem driving my older magnepans and I've never heard them reproduce better bass. I do think, though, that pairing class D with tubes in the chain(preamp,DAC,phono stage, CDP) is important to acheiving the magic. Class D amps seem to be inherently very detailed and neutral, which is perfect for some but I prefer more warmth and dimension.

However, I just took a look at your very nice system. I would completely understand if you're not in a hurry to replace those Pass amps. Maybe you should wait until the next latest and greatest class D incarnations come out.

03-17-13: Tomtab
"i was told many years ago in audio that if you bought by weight alone you could never go wrong.i guess im old school."


I would recommend using your ears in choosing an amplifier, not heft.
I hope you didn't follow this old school advice by choosing your wife, or significant other, by heft alone.
Sorry,Tomtab, but I couldn't resist. No offense intended.
03-18-13: Mitch4t
"Tim, I love the sound of my Pass amps and I'm in no hurry to change. However, I have no loyalty or sentimental attachment to them. If I hear a set of switching amps that outshine them for less money, I'd change in a heartbeat and never look back. To me, its all about how an amp makes the music sound...and nothing else. For me, the best sounding amp wins, period."


I agree with this approach completely. Even though I'm loving my new class D amp, I wouldn't hesitate to switch to another amp either if I thought it sounded better, no matter the amp type. I'm even considering building a set of kit monoblocs using the Hypex NC400 modules available to DIYers. I would love a set with the NC1200 modules, but they're too expensive incorporated into finished amps and not available to the public as modules.


As to your question about class D amps handling low impedance speaker loads; I know my SDS440 and the SDS470 CDA amps can handle loads atleast to 2 ohms and possibly even lower. The 440 drives my 87db efficient 4 ohm Magnepan 2.7s to extremely high db levels without clipping or any loss in sound quality(louder levels than I would ever care to listen at). Many other brands of class D amps are low impedance freindly,too (W4S, Merrill, Hypex). But I'm not sure all are.

You make a very good point about the great combination of tubes with class D possibly giving a boost to tube equipment makers and suppliers.

It is ironic that the oldest technology paired with the newest produces great sound at affordable prices. I don't want to see any of the established big name hi-end companies go out of business. I wish them all the best but they'll probably need to either join in or atleast adapt to what I consider the new technological reality.



On an earlier post, you requested a list of class D amps that sound good. I am not, by any measure, an expert on class D amplifiers. I'm just a fellow music/audio lover who is always striving to assemble the best system I can for both 2-channel and ht playback. I've recently been reading all the forums and reviews on various class D amps.

I discovered the competence of class D by chance and as a result of a misfortune. My old Aragon class A/B 4004 broke down this past January. When the estimate to repair the leaking power supply caps was estimated at $300-500, I had a decision to make; should I repair it and get back the very good sound this 23 yr old amp had provided in my system for the past 10 yrs or take this opportunity to upgrade my system? Due to the amp's age, I decided to buy a replacement amp, either new or used. To further complicate matters, my budget was limited to $1,000 or less.

So, I was looking for a high powered ss (400 or more watts@4 ohms) stereo or pair of monobloc amps for less than $1,ooo. I knew this would be a difficult quest so I scoured the online markets and read various audio forums. The forums piqued my interest in class D as a solution. I eventually wound up buying a new Class D Audio SDS440SC stereo amp that puts out 440 watts@4 ohms that was priced at $630 with free shipping. I am more than pleased with this amp in my system(cd source, tube preamp and Magnepan spkrs).

I'm not ready to say the CDA amp is a worthy substitute in sound quality to your Pass amp. But I am willing to swap amps with you for a few weeks, months, yrs or decades if you'd like to find out.

I think we need to know your budget,preamp and speakers to properly list class D amps you may want to audition. Others will likely chime in with their suggestions as well. Also, I live just north of Indy if you prefer we make the amp swap in person.

Here's a list of class D amps. I copied this list from an AVS forum (Seriusly Cold created it). Does plaigerism apply to the internet? Hope not. This was compiled a few years ago, so added Abletec, Class D Audio, Pascal, Merrill Audio and Rowland, but I probably missed some, and I also deleted AVS123 and Murano(out of business):

Abletec Scandinavian OEM amp module manufacturer
Newer proprietary class D

Acoustic Reality http://www.acoustic-reality.com/
eAR202, etc (ICEPower)

Aivin http://www.aivin.com.cn/
DT300 (Tripath)

Analog Research Technology http://www.analogresearch-technology.com/

Arion Audio http://www.arionaudio.com
MK1000 (proprietary)

AudioArt (NL) http://www.audioart.nl/
Van Medevoort MA240 (Hypex UcD)

Audiodigit http://www.audiodigit.com/
MC 8x100 (Tripath)

AudioResearch http://www.audioresearch.com/
150.2, 300.2, 150M (Tripath)

Axiom Audio http://www.axiomaudio.com/
A1400-8 (ICEPower)

B&O http://www.icepower.bang-olufsen.com/

BelCanto http://www.belcantodesign.com/products.html
Evo (Tripath) eOne (ICEPower)

Bertram http://www.audiokabel.dk/eng-main.htm

Blacknote http://www.blacknote.eu/
DSA 100, DSA 150 http://www.blacknote.eu/products/dsa.php

Bryston http://www.bryston.ca/
D250Z multichannel power amp

Carver http://www.carverusa.com/
300.2, 700.2, 1200.2

Cary Audio http://www.caryaudio.com/
A 306 power amplifier

Channel Islands Audio http://www.ciaudio.com/
D100, D200 (Hypex UcD)

Chapter Audio http://www.chapteraudio.co.uk/
Couplet Power Amp (proprietary WMP class-D)

Class D Audio www.classdaudio.com
DIY kit modules and completed amps(proprietary class-D)

D-Sonic http://www.d-sonic.net/
Magnum (ICEPower and Abletec amp modules used)

Devialet http://www.devialet.com/
D-Premier (Hybrid, proprietary)

DIYCable http://www.diycable.com/
Exodus (Hypex UcD)

Egosys http://www.egosys.co.jp/
Audiotrak DrAMP (Tripath)

Elan http://www.elanhomesystems.com/
D1200, D1600 (12 and 16 channel power amps, Tripath)

Electronic Visionary Systems http://www.tweakaudio.com/
EVS-2 (ICEPower)

Flying Mole http://www.flyingmoleelectronics.com/
(proprietary class-D)

Genesis http://www.genesisloudspeakers.com
Genesis Reference GR180 (Hypex)

Gilmore Audio http://www.glacieraudio.com/
Raven, Raptor, Dragonfly m/ch (looks like ICE)

H2O Audio http://www.iceh2oaudio.com/
M250, M500 (ICEpower)

Halcro http://www.halcro.com/logic/home.asp

Huygens Audio http://www.huygensaudio.com/
MCD-1202, MCD-1802 (MHz Class-D)

Integra /Onkyo http://www.integrahometheater.com/
DTA 9.4 7x120W 8Ω

Jeff Rowland http://www.jeffrowland.com/
Model 501 (ICEPower)

Jjaz Audio http://www.jjaz.dk/

Kharma http://www.kharma.com/

LC Audio http://www.lcaudio.com/
Predator SE (ZapPulse)

Marantz http://www.marantz.jp
Opsodis ES-150 (D2Audio) 2ch virtual surround

Marten Audio
Scandinavian firm utilizing newest class D (Abletec)
Most expensive monos at $40K/pr
Medius [DK] http://www.medius.cc/

Meridian http://www.meridian-audio.com
G95 DVD receiver system (Hypex UcD)

Merrill Audio www.merrillaudio.net
Veritas monos(Hypex nc1200)

MG Audiolabs http://www.mglaudiolabs.com/
Symphony (Hypex UcD)

Midgard Audio http://www.midgardaudio.no/www/

MindCraft (NL) http://www.mindcraft.nl/
Media Amp One (Hypex UcD))

NAD http://nadelectronics.com/ NEW
M2 Direct Digital (Zetex)

NHT http://nhthifi.com/
Power2, Power5 (ICEpower)

Nuforce http://www.nuforce.com/
Ref 8, Ref 8b, Ref 9 (nPhysics proprietary class-D)

NuVo Technologies http://www.nuvotechnologies.com/

Onkyo http://www.onkyo.com/
A-1VL, A-9755, A-9555 (Proprietary)

Pascal Audio www.pascal-audio.com
OEM amp modules for pro amps and powered spkrs
Proprietary UMAC class D

Primare http://www.primare.net/
CDI10 (Proprietary Ultra Fast Power Device (UFPD))

PSAudio http://www.psaudio.com/
GCA, GCMC, Trio A100 (ICEPower)

Red Dragon Audio http://www.reddragonaudio.com/

RedWineAudio http://www.redwineaudio.com/
Clari-T, Lotus (Tripath)

Rotel http://www.rotel.com/
1077 (7x100), 1092 (2x500) (ICEPower)

(Jeff)Rowland Design Group www.jeffrowlandgroup.com

Seymour AV http://www.seymourav.com/amps.asp
Ice Block Amps (Ice Power)

Sharp http://www.sharpusa.com/
SM-SX1, SM-SX100

Sonneteer http://freespace.virgin.net/sonneteer.audio/bronte.html
Brontë (Tripath)

Sony http://www.sony.com/
TA-DA9000ES, TA-FA1200ES (S-Master)

Spectron http://www.spectronav.com/
Musician, Troubador (int amp w digital inputs)

TactAudio/Lyngford http://www.tactaudio.dk/ http://www.lyngford.com/
Millennium & others (Equibit)

TEAC Esoteric http://teac.co.jp/av/esoteric/
AZ-1 pre-main (translated), AI-10 (Texas Instruments)

ThetaDigital http://www.thetadigital.com/
Virtu PowerDAC (Zetex class-Z)

UniwaveTek http://www.uniwavetek.com/
Anaco II

Wyred4Sound http://www.wyred4sound.com/
STI-500, STI-1000 (ICEpower)

Virtue Audio http://store.virtueaudio.com/
One.2, Two.2, Sensation M451, Sensation M901 (Tripath)
ICEBlock M5001 (ICEpower)

Yamaha http://www.yamaha.com/

Quite a few choices but I still probably missed a few.


OK, you talked me into it. We'll swap my class D amp for your Krell 700cx for a period not to exceed 30 yrs.

Sounds good, send me a pm when you're ready to swap and we'll work out the details.
