
Responses from jgk1017

Black Gate Cap upgrade on Museatex Bitstream DAC
Black Gates are a waste of money. If you're going to upgrade use Mundorfs or V-Caps. Both are clearly superior to Black Gates and Auricaps for that matter. 
The most emotional amp out there?
Maybe H20 is the next Boone's Farm. Anybody remember Cold Bear? 
Need recommendation for a dark sound interconnects
When interconnects become "tone controls" it's time to look deeper into your system for the problem. I suspect you need more than "dark sounding" cables. Good luck. 
The most emotional amp out there?
Ditto- give me the wine (amp) with the reputation and pedigree not the flavor of the day from some new fly by night winery (amp manufacturer). I'll take good wine over suspect H2O anyday.:-) 
Velodyne Digital Drive Series subwoofer in stereo
Truthseeker. Did you read this AA thread? There is only one other misguided person that agrees with you compared to the hundreds of others whom are actually correct about the 2 sub deal. I suggest you quietly walk away from this one. 
Sonic inpact of spike/floor protectors
Froggie. I don't think the issue is Stan "hijacking" the thread. Whether or not you agree with his comments, they are in response to Tweekgeeks baiting IMO. In other words, don't ask questions without expecting answers.I do not have a dog in this ... 
Good cartridge for unipivot arm?
The high compliance Cartridge Man Music Maker 3 would be ideal in that tonearm. 
Benz LP vs. Dynavector XV-1s
IMO retailers, wholesalers, and tradespersons have no business posting here disclosure notwithstanding. It is a conflict of interest pure and simple. I really don't want to hear "I can be objecive" because anytime there's money involved the chance... 
Isolation cones.
There is no audible difference between the Audiopoints and Adona products. Used both on a variety of components. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Fiddler, not from DACT according to an email from them. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Fiddler, Don't know and for me it's a moot point as I don't want to give up the remote control capability. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
FYI Grange owners. For a relatively small (at least compared to the Grange price) expense, $675, I've just taken this preamp to an entirely different level of performance. Installed a pair of 10uf Mundorf Supreme Silver caps, a pair of .33 uf V-Ca... 
Best pre-amp with built-in phono stage under 10K?
Supratek is point to point. Email me for an inside view of the Grange. 
What's the "worst" cdp for the money?
Boa, Quack, and Mustang (sounds like a 60's rock band) I agree 100%. The difference between a $500 and $5000 cd player is enormous provided the other equipment is of comparable quality. 
What is your idea of a Perfect Album?
I would never suggest that there is such a thing but here are a few that I can play almost anytime from beginning to end never tiring of their greatness. In no particular order with apologies to those not listed:Kind of BlueHeart Like a WheelBabes...