
Responses from jchildre

Yamaha CDX-910U
Cy374xt2,I think you talking about the CDX 1100U.It was a great CDP in 1988. 
What's the most anolog sounding CDP
Interesting Choices!I'll check these out.Thanks 
He did a DVD player for me, and it wasn't all that good. I would go for Richard Kern's or Dan Wright's mod. A friend of mine got Kern's, and it's really good. 
How good are the Sony 9000es mods.?
First of all, Stan lost my player. After my player was 2 weeks late from its planned arrival time, and when I called stan to check on it, and guess what? Ol' Stan forgot who I was altogether. I had called him 3 times a week before sometimes talkin... 
need help - Cd players
jayel,I can tell you about the Stan Warren mod. IT SUCKS! I've listen to it extensively. I don't understand why all of these people think Stan's mod is so great. They most believe their own hype, or it could be that they have never heard a true HI... 
Stan Warren email?
Hey everybody,I'm getting a new Pioneer DV-C603 DVD/CD player 5 disc changer modified by Stan. He's installing his best modification in my player. It's what he calls the STAGE II modification. I have got to sale this player when a recieve it back ...