
Responses from dcassidy

A little help with my first system
Excellent, thanks for your feedback and help. I thought the forest speakers were exceptional in terms of their sound and that passed the wife test for placement in our living room (quite an accomplishment). This project of mine has evolved quite a... 
A little help with my first system
I have actually just started thinking about doing a more dedicated set up for the upstairs. Are there any good options for a pre-amp that would run two rooms (the living room and kitchen area) and allow me to turn them on/off separately? I know it... 
A little help with my first system
Thanks for the feedback, I am a bit OCD when it comes to doing the research. I was thinking about it a little more today and wondered if there were any good audiophile tuners in the $500-$1000 range that would run multiple rooms? I could always do...