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 Alephs with VMPS?
Alephs (especially the 1.2 or 2) with any of the VMPS
 VMPS closing
Whenever someone asked for the best value, VMPS came
 VMPS speakers
I asked about the VMPS subs a while back and have heard...After 3 emails back and forth I kno...
 Strada, VMPS or Fritz?
I have in mind the VMPS 626s and Fritz Carbon 7s or
 VMPS Subwoofers--Opinions
rumble and was considering building a set of the Large VMPS
 VMPS - any owners
VMPS is another speaker line that has caught my attention
 VMPS 30 speakers
I'm interested (will go for a second sessiom) in VMPS
 Thoughts/experiences with VMPS
and have seen some good things about the results VMPS
 VMPS Subwoofer details?
site has turned me on to the Subwoofers offered by VMPS
 VMPS line of speakers
Can anyone give me feedback on the VMPS FF-1 SRE; I...the new 52” ribbon models or for that m...
 Where to go with VMPS
Hey Folks,I inherited a pair of 1990ish VMPS
 VMPS 626 JR
I have read several reviews on these speakers and was wondering if anyone has personal experi...
 amp for VMPS - RM/X
any AMP suggestions for VMPS -RM/X,,I like clear,,detailed...sound i reckon,,I like the detai...
 opinions on VMPS dipole surrounds ?
to go with my aerial fronts, any opinions on the VMPS
 Review: VMPS RM40 Speaker
At the risk of being "flamed" by loyal VMPS owners...Sorry loyal VMPS owners!
 Hooking up Vmps RM40s
In the back of my RM 40s are 4 sets of posts for the speaker wires, then below is another set...
 VMPS RM-40s - Bargin or not?
I have read some of the posts on these speakers and want to know if you have them in your own...
 VMPS RMX Bass Drivers
The 10" and 12" bass drivers blew in one speaker.  If someone has these drivers available to ...
 VMPS RM-40 - Anyone Heard
Has anyone heard (or seen) the new VMPS RM-40, which...listening...Also, I've heard some nega...
 VMPS Speakers Co. Closes Down
The link to the VMPS speaker site has been down...A dealer for VMPS, Underwood HiFi has posted