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Found 368 results

 Lavardin IT Problem
Has anyone encountered a problem with the Lavardin
 Power cable for Lavardin
Hi, this the question for current/former Lavardin>Have you had any success in upgr...
 Lavardin Amplifier Repair
I recently bought a used Lavardin IS amplifier from...I sent an email to Lavardin in France a...
 Anyone using Lavardin?
Hi,I've been reading a lot about this company, didn't know anything about them. Interesting d...
 Lavardin Lecontoure Speakers
Does anyone know anything about or have experience with these speakers. The specs are quite i...
Dear LAvardin Amp and Cable ownersDoes know what the capacitance of any of the...
 Lavardin integrated amp problems
Just a word of warning to anyone considering Lavardin...All lavardin could offer was shipping...
 Lavardin IT or Jadis DA50 Signature?
Difficult but hesitating between a Lavardin IT amp
 Lavardin IS Reference or IT - anyone heard?
The Lavardin integrateds have been the subject of several
 speakers cables for Lavardin and Harbeth?
I’m vastly enjoying this beautiful combo: Lavardin
 Anyone compare Lavardin with Sugden?
Sugden A21SE or Lavardin IS Reference have come to
 Observations on the Lavardin IT and Karan K 180
integrated amps and am fortunate to briefly have the Lavardin...comparison might be of intere...
 cables for Lavardin/ Living Voice combo ??
Amp is Lavardin IS Reference....know there are many out there with the Living Voice/Lavardin
 Referrence 3A's a good match with Lavardin?
Reference 3A Decapo's or Veena's to mate with my Lavardin
 Croft, NFD or Lavardin for Harbeth M40.1
Lavardin IT - I have a chance to buy demo I
 Lavardin with Avalon Classic or Sonus Faber Amati
who have ( or have had ) good/bad experiences with Lavardin