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 Maggies - Emerald Physics
Have any Maggie owners heard any Emerald Physics speakers
 Emerald Physics owners
The Emerald Physics have a boxless di-pole bass, and...Emerald Physics speakers are not for t...
 Emerald Physics Loudspeakers
Does anyone have any opinions on these speakers?
 Emerald Physics speakers
has anybody have opinions about these speakers? I have the upgrade bug again(does it never en...
 Emerald Physics CS2.3
Considering a pair of these and looking for input from anyone that has experience with them. ...
 Emerald Physics EP-X
there that have direct in home experience with the Emerald...Physics EP-X speakers.
 Emerald Physics. 600 amp
Does anyone have any experience with the Emerald...Physics 600 amp. 
 Emerald Physics and Tube amps?
Considering trying a tube amp with my Emerald Physics
 Emerald Physics CS2.3 MkII
in on Walter at RMAF 2013 and hearing both of his Emerald...Physics line of speakers, the CS2...
 Emerald Physics and My System
Hi, I am awaiting arrival of the new CS2 speakers. Any thoughts from current owners on my exi...
 Emerald Physics 2.3 or Magnepan
Hi,This is my first post here- I'll try to be as descriptive as possible. I am in the market ...
 Emerald Physics CS3 question
Hi All,My Behringer is kaput, bass distortion. What is the best way to improve the bass. I am...
 Emerald Physics C2 or Usher BE-718
a pair of Be-718's, i have heard a lot about the Emerald...Physics speakers.
 Good Preamp for Emerald Physics 2.3
what preamp people have found that matched well with Emerald...Physics CS 2.3?
 Choosing between ATC or Emerald Physics
>Previously I selected 2 speakers: ATC SCM-19 and Emerald...Physics CS3.
 Emerald Physics history and model progression
Does anyone know the history of Emerald Physics and
 Emerald Physics: Same as the Quads in the fifties?
Let me premise that I've never listened to Emerald...Physics speakers.
 Any opinions on Emerald Physics Loudspeakers
Any opinions? Especially the CS3 MKII
 Emerald Physics 100.2SE Amps question
The Speakers  I am using with these amps are  Klipsch Heresy 1..Are the Amps too much power f...
 Emerald Physics amp swap options
Just ordered new EP 3's (previously CS-3 Mk II's) and curious what others think about my curr...