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 Worlds’ Best High End Loudspeaker Competition/Demo
loudspekers; Thiel CS 7.2, Sonus Faber Stradivari Homage, Audio...Physic Kronos, Focal-JM Lab...
 Review: Wavetouch Audio Grand Teton, Piano Black Monitor
Piano Black, Grand Teton Monitors from Wavetouch Audio...See the Wavetouch Audio for specific...
 Review: DCCA audio Extreem Ref-1 power cord Power cord
Cable Review: DCCA Audio The Extreme Power...Yamaha Preamp/Antique Sound lab LHO1....Audio/Vi...
 Review: Transparent Audio REF XL Speaker cable
Category: Cables Transparent Audio REF XL...Bach, Three Sonatas for Viola da Gamba & Har...
 Review: Krell FPB-200 Amplifier
Viola, violin, and bass were so lush I don’t know how...Interconnect Cardas Golden C Intercon...