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 Starting afresh with a Linn Sondek LP12...
I have a vintage Linn Sondek LP12 turntable
 Cartridge for my Linn Sondek LP12?
My Linn K9 cartridge has bit the dust, and I am taking...The arm is the Linn Akito.
 Vpi 19mkIV or linn sondek 12
Which would be better to buy used? Ease of set-up is an issue as I have no experience. I want...
 Linn Sondek- Origin Live upgrades anyone?
community, on anyone that has tried the upgrades  for Linn...Sondek LP-12, that Origin Live h...
 Linn Sondek LP-12 tonearm recommendations?
I just bought a Linn Sondek Lp-12, it had a Rega RB
 Upgrade my older Linn Sondek or move on?
Hi All, I have a 1984 Linn Sondek that is...Looking at used parts to upgrade the Linn I can ...
 Older Linn Sondek LP12 info and interest
,serif'>About 10 years I ended up with my fathers Linn...Sondek LP12.
 Upgrade cartrige Linn Sondek Lp 12 with Valhalla
I love sound of Linn Sondek Lp 12....I have Linn Sondek Lp 12 with Valhalla and Rega 2 arm......
 good mid priced cartridge for Linn Sondek
My friend has a linn sondexmid 80'sthe
 SME 3009 II w/ Linn Sondek
Does the Series II arm mate well with the LP-12? I have friends that have made mention of thi...
 Soundsmith cartridges on Linn LP12 & Sondek arm?
experience with Soundsmith moving iron cartridges and a Linn
 Any experience with the new Linn Sondek upgrades?
The new arm seems monstrously priced since I just managed to do my upgrade three years ago. I...
 LINN SONDEK LP12 BEARING OIL: Alternatives...
Here’s a little journey I recently completed. I have read endless threads on the importance...
 Where in the US to send my Linn Sondek LP12.
I thought I read somewhere that the best Linn Sondek...My nearest Linn dealer is in Ann Arbor...
 Most suitable tone arm for linn sondek LP12
thelast 10years an orgin live arm mounted on the lp12 linn...sondekI am using the denon dl304...
 Linn Sondek LP-12 service in San Diego area ?
the San Diego area know how to properly set up a Linn...Sondek LP-12 ?
 Opinions: Neuance Shelf for Linn Sondek Lp12 TT
Linn's Ivor Tiefenbrun recommends a rigged and light
 Any Subs Linn Sondek Oil 1,000,000.00 a gallon
Linn sells the bearing oil for $ 5.00 per thimbal full...PS The Linn Lp-12 Rocks !
 Does anyone manufacture an alternative Linn Sondek
so tired of adjusting that terrible pulley that my Linn...Sondek has at present. ...If anyone...
 Best MM cartridge for Linn Sondek/Ittok LV II arm?
My Linn Karma moving coil cartridge is old (ca 1990...moving magnet cartridge that would comp...