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Found 158 results

 Is heavier the better?
People claim that 8200 are designed so close to SA100...Now question to you audio proficeints...
 The guru on fuses:
I needed a real audio guru who actually knows....He engineered and designed some some great e...
 Is Bigger Better?
opinion, most of the lastest hype or "marketing" in audio...I found the site enlightening but...
 Amp to replace Audio Research D200
is an AR LS2 and I've got an AR transport and an Enlightened...Audio Designs DAC all driving ...
Does anyone know for sure if an (EAD) Enlightened Audio...Designs T-7000 Transport will recog...
appear out of nowhere. the expeereience was truly enlightening...seriuosly consider purchasin...
 Query on RoomTunes Acoustic Panels
RoomTunes panels, allegedly made by Michael Green Audio...replace the old acoustic wrap, but ...