Search for “10 octave”

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 Best use of subs
Velodyne SMS-1 bass managers, 3 HGS-15, and 3 HGS-10s...pair of KEF Reference 1s crossed at 8...
 Music in the 40-80 Hz range
I've been low-passing at 40 Hz with a 24 dB/octave...slope to a pair of Velodyne HGS-10s, bec...
 Merlin Subwoofer?
, I saw that Todd Warnke reviewed thr Soliloquy S-10...Any other success stories of bring the...
 Amp or Preamp With Built-in High-Pass Filter
Amplifier has a built-in high-pass crossover: 6 dB / octave..., 16 settings from 40 Hz to 200...
 Speaker Effeciency and Bass Production
much speaker efficiency is gained if the bottom two octaves...subwoofers which can easily pro...