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 Atma Sphere
Do Atma Spheres generate much heat?
 Atma-sphere tube?
What is the purpose of the 12AT7 in Atma-sphere MP3
 Kharmas with Atma-Sphere
anyone here tried kharma speakers with any of the Atma-Sphere
 Atma-sphere Updates
have had a few pieces of equipment updated by the Atma-Sphere...Hats off to Ralph and everyon...
 Atma-Sphere in CO?
I'm looking to listen to one of Ralph's amps.  I'm in Denver and have Coincident PREs and a p...
 shindo vs. atma-sphere
i've been auditioning shindo and atma-sphere pre-amps...i like the shindo sound, but the atma...
 Atma-Sphere MP-3
And especially Ralph, Adam and the 2 Matt’s and Atma-sphere...  I picked up an Atma-sphere MP...
 Preamp for Atma-sphere s30
another town, so now I am looking for a preamp for my Atma-Sphere...any experince with these ...
 Atma-Sphere S30 MKII
Does anyone have experience with the ATMA-SPHERE S30
 Atma-Sphere, Ralph Karsten
Now I have Atma-sphere UV-1,  serial 002....Being mostly new to tubes and completely new to A...
supposedly very similar to the Goldmund SR2.3) and the Atma-Sphere
 Preamp for atma sphere m60
thing going when using the same brand especially with atma...sphere, but was wondering if the...
 Atma Sphere deserves praise
In the last 6 months Atma Sphere released a revision
 Atma-Sphere vs. Supratek
Meanwhile I keep reading good things about the Atma-Sphere
 Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
Aesthetix Io Eclipse with volume and dual power supplies, Atma-sphere
 Atma Sphere M60 owners......
Can I put 6sn7 gtb's in any of the 4 positions, I'm getting mixed info on this. Some say just...
 Speltz/Atma-sphere & Merlins
As most Merlin owners know, they have very smooth impedance curves and almost all at 8ohms or...
 Tubes with Magnepan Atma-Sphere
I'm in the market for an amp for my Magnepan 20.1 and have been looking at Rowland 304, McInt...
 Atma Sphere S30 amp
I got my S30 amp yesterday and got in 12 hrs. of listening time with it. Having started off ...
 Atma-sphere 3.0 to 3.1
Has anyone else done the upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1 - I have M60s of very recent vintage with po...